
【連署】研究生撐罷課、衛民主聲明 PETITION--Statement by Postgraduate Students in Support of the Students’ Strike and in Defense of Democracy


一、 公正:我們反對目前帶有篩選的普選政改方案,以普選之名再次鞏固少數政治菁英與權貴的既得利益。我們認為民主政治應當落實人民自主與平等參與,普選應以公正平等為基礎。
二、 權利:我們支持公民抗命,因為主權在民,當握有權勢的人持續漠視人民的訴求,人民有權利表達抗議、要求改變。我們支持學生罷課,因為大學係學生培養獨立批判思考能力的根基,因為罷課是讓學生學習民主精神最重要的時刻。
三、 民主:我們作為研究生與青年知識分子,深信唯有在自由、公義、多元、民主的環境下,學術才能自主發展並帶動社會的改變,因此我們會保護學術自由、重視異議發聲空間,並以各種聲援行動,深化香港民主。

We are a group of local and international postgraduate students who deliberately chose Hong Kong as a place to pursue postgraduate studies. We are concerned about how the recent election reform will undermine democratic principles and the academic autonomy that we cherish. In response to the recent Hong Kong election proposal and the political reform, we demand

1. Justice. We oppose the current circumscribed election proposal, which will only further consolidate interests of a small group of existing political elites and capitalists in the name of universal suffrage. We believe that democracy should be founded on people’s autonomy and equal participation, and universal suffrage should comply with the principles of justice and equality.
2. Rights. We support civil disobedience, because people, the sovereign power, have the right to protest and to demand change when their genuine concerns remain ignored by those in power. We support the students’ strike because universities are essential sites for students to develop independent and critical thinking, and because the strike is an important opportunity for students to understand the spirit of democracy.
3. Democracy. We, as postgraduate students and young scholars, believe that only in a liberal, just, pluralist, and democratic environment can academic autonomy and its role in bringing about social change be fostered. Therefore, we will protect academic freedom and value its space for deviant voices, and will further support democratic principles in Hong Kong in various ways.

我要連署Join the Petition: https://sites.google.com/site/hkpgstudentsstrikepetition/
聯絡方式 Contact: hkpostgraduate2014@gmail.com