這幾天收到有關呼籲七一遊行的電郵, 主要圍繞著兩個主題, 一個是反官商勾結, 另一個是爭取反歧視立法和多元民主, 前者的象徵是黑手, 後者的象徵是彩虹; 前者的主體是基層團體和反WTO的HKPA, 後者的主體是婦女, 青年和性取向少數.
前陣子, 大部份的爭論都圍繞著是否應該同志行頭的問題, 這是由於明光社公開提出反對, 而民陣中泛民主派裡一些人提出質疑所致. 奇怪的是, 當初同志行頭的建議是由民陣中泛民主派佔多的兩民小組(民主民生小組)通過, 再於人權小組通過; 為什麼當時兩民小組會捨官商勾結為題而建議反歧視法為題呢?
同志行頭決議通過後, 明光社隨即說要杯葛遊行, 而兩民小組亦有翻案的聲音出現. 當時有朋友跟我提起同志行頭的爭論, 我第一個反應就是, 這回無論同志是否行頭, 他們都會成為遊行數字大跌的代罪羔羊...
今早跟人民台的王覺岸開會, 亦談到這問題, 他認為事情根本不應該那麼高調地處理, 本來圈外人不大知道內部的爭論, 大吵大鬧後反而適得其反.
之後又分別收到友人古烈治於七一前論官商勾結一文, 繼而是HKPA於七月一日的大計:
This is very exciting. We will join the march on this 8th year
commemoration of the UK's handover of their former colony to China. We have a
lot of gimmicks and right now are very busy preparing all materials.
We will have a black hand representing the WTO with a big NO ENTRY sign on
it. Black hand in Chinese culture means someone or something that controls or
manipulates events and makes bad things happen. With it, the collusion of state
and business is included as this is one of the calls of the rally
So we will be wearing black gloves with no entry signs on them. We will
also be having a big mat with the black hand trying to grab the world - a mat
for people to walk upon. It is like, STOMP ON THE WTO... lols (lols means laughs
out loud in chat lingo). And yes, the symbol enlarged and made to float on
What about your organizations? Are there any actions that your organization
is planning to have? Or any media events? If you do, please do send them to us
so we can coordinate all actions. Coordinated actions will definitely spell a
stronger impact on the WTO.
我心裡更加納悶, 如果從一開始民陣的兩民小組就提出以反官商勾結為主題, 我相信人權小組不會反對 (其實一開始同志團體對於同志行頭存有顧慮). 在董建華下台前, 反官商勾結一直是泛民主派高叫的口號, 但現在只剩下反WTO和基層團體在高叫這口號了...
正因為如此, 我們明天更要帶著黑手套, 高舉著彩虹旗出來走... 明天見 !
(p.s. 另inmedia會於維園籌款)