塞爾特人開季很順,就算經歷了Gordon Hayward重創而提早收「咧」的慘痛,兩連敗後,連同今日贏帝王,目前已連勝六場,以6勝2負排在東岸第一。或者綠軍看起來很不錯,一班新秀令人看到美好前景,可是大家都還是很懷念美國隊長,很希望他能盡快復元,再次在球場領軍。
G.Hayward昨晚就在fb貼了長文”IN AN INSTANT”,道出他由受傷一刻至今的感受,節錄如下,有興趣的朋友可看看。
I had run that play countless times.
This time didn’t feel any different when I was in the air. I mean, I knew—there’s a moment when you’re in the air and you’re knocked off balance, and you realize, “Oh no, I’m about to come down hard.” But a lot of times, you’re able to kind of adjust your body in the air so you come down flat, and don’t land on anything you can hurt that badly.
Then all of a sudden, it came.
那感覺是當我的腦袋明白發生何事後,我就被不斷的痛楚侵襲,訓練員飛快地號過來,大約是三秒、五秒鐘,可是當我跌坐地上,看到自己的腳扭向相反方向,那一刻像是永恒般漫長。Dr. Rosneck,騎士的隊醫,先幫我固定傷處,然後告訴我,他們要先幫我扭正足踝。我咬緊牙關,然後他們就動手,那刻我深深體會到死去活來的痛楚,可能是我一生最痛的一次。
It was like once my brain figured out what had happened, I was hit with shots of pain. The training staff came running over to me super fast, but however long it was—three seconds, five seconds—I just remember sitting there, looking at my foot the wrong way, and it felt like an eternity. Dr. Rosneck, the Cavaliers doctor, braced me as he explained that they wanted to try and pop my ankle back into place. I held on, and the moment they did it, there was just a massive shot of pain, probably the most pain I’ve ever felt in my life.
At that point, the medical staff started to load me onto the cart. My leg was still throbbing, and my mind was all over the place. I remember LeBron coming over. I know I talked to Kyrie and a bunch of my teammates and coaches. All of them were wishing me well and praying for me, I think. Everything was a blur. It was when the trainers were carting me off that I was just hit with this wave of emotion. All I could think was that it’s all over. I did all this work. I moved to a new team. And now this happens.
What is this going to do to me? Am I going to be able to come back? To play again? Am I done? Is my career over?
What do I do now?
It was supposed to be a very different night.
Opening night. Everybody was pumped. The NBA was back. Kyrie was coming back to Cleveland. Some people were booing him. Others were cheering. It felt like a big-time game, going against LeBron and the Cavs, and being part of that rivalry. I was excited more than anything, ready to finally get the season started.
My wife Robyn had called, but I hadn’t talked to her yet. She was getting updates basically from right after it happened. Finally, they put her on the phone. She just kept saying, “I’m so sorry. I wish I could be there to help you. I wish I could take the pain away from you. What do you need me to do?” It’s going to be okay. God has a plan.”
On the flight back, my teammates all came by to encourage me. It was very emotional for me to see how all of these new teammates of mine, guys who I had only spent a few weeks with at that point, were so sincere about their concern for me. Their support has at times overwhelmed me and it will not be forgotten.
之後幾天的事就如慢動作,Danny Ainge來探我,也給了我一些手術上的意見,而教練Stevens也有來到,並陪伴我一陣子,並問我需要甚麼。我已忘記了當時的事,但其他人之後告訴我,我向他要一個籃球。我應該真的有這樣說,因為我回家不久,教練的太太Tracy就帶了一個籃球來我家。
The next day was moving in slow-motion. Danny Ainge came by and offered me some advice with the surgery. At some point, Coach Stevens came back and stayed with me for a bit. He asked if we needed anything from him, and although I don’t remember this, people say that I asked him for a basketball. I must have, because when I got home a couple days later, Tracy had brought one by.
When I got home a couple days later, we put a hospital bed in the family room so that I could be around Robyn and our two daughters, Bernie and Charlie.
兩個小女孩都不明白我腳上是怎麼一回事,她們也不知道柺杖是甚麼(Bernie 2歲,Charlie 1歲);但她倆都愛上我的電動車,因為可載她們四處走,難怪她們認為那是世上最好的事。
The girls both lit up when I got back from the hospital, but they were confused by what was on my foot. They were confused by the crutches, too. (Bernie is two; Charlie is one.) What they both loved was the scooter I got to ride around on. They thought it was the best thing ever.
My recovery is just beginning, but already, I have a lot of people to thank.
The first person is Robyn. There’s a lot of things in my life that I wouldn’t have been able to get through without her—especially in the last few months. When I was sitting in the locker room in Cleveland, one of the first thoughts that went through my head was, “Now what is Robyn going to do? Now she’s got two young kids plus me to take care of.”
From the first minute we spoke, she was like, “Don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine.” She was there with me at the hospital the whole time. Ever since I’ve been home, she has been a superstar as far as getting me everything that I need, dealing with everyone, trying to update them about what’s going on. There’s a bunch of pills that I’m on right now that she has to regulate. You can only take so many per hour. She’s got a chart marked down for all that. She’s also been really encouraging. “We’re going to come back from this stronger than ever,” she tells me. “You’re going to be fine. But we’re going to have to work at it, so get off your ass and start now!”
She makes me laugh.
She’s just really supportive and helpful, and I can’t thank her enough for that.
So what do I do now?
I’ve started by watching the games. At first, it was just grueling to try and watch. I was overwhelmed with frustration, knowing that I can’t be a part of it right now. I’m not even with the team. It’s hard mentally to watch the games because I’m sitting here thinking, “I’m not going to be able to help the team on the court this year.”
But I’ve decided that has to stop. I have to change that way of thinking. I know I can’t help them physically on the court, but I am going to do everything in my power to support my teammates and coaches in every way imaginable. Whether it’s breaking down film or just providing leadership and guidance, I can’t wait to give back. I’ve already received so much.
I keep imagining what it’s going to be like to step onto the floor at the Garden, and make my regular season debut as a Celtic. It’s going to be a little delayed. But with each day of my rehab, I’ll be that much closer to making it happen. I’m already dreaming about sharing that moment with everyone here in Boston—a city that I’m still getting to know, but that I’ve connected with through all of this in ways beyond anything I could have imagined.
Now, it’s all about getting back.
Time to begin.