驅走極權黑影 還我港人自由
1. 政府馬上就阻礙表達自由的行為及言論道歉;
2. 警務處處長曾偉雄馬上引咎下台;
3. 捍衛一國兩制、維護港人自由,警察馬上停止濫權!
1. 歡迎各位以衣著或任何方法表達對平等自由的堅持。
2. 周六可能多雲有雨,請各位一同撐黑傘出席。
EVENT : http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=143928749032554
Kick Away the Dark Shadow of Tyranny!
Reclaim the Freedom and Liberty of Hong Kong People!
“No to Tyrannous Police” Demo, 3 Sept 2011
Date: 3 Sept 2011
Time: 4pm
Route: East Point Road, Causeway Bay to Police HQ
The demo is followed by an assembly.
Since Andy Tsang Wai-hung assumed office as Commissioner of Police, freedom of assembly has been seriously tightened and basic human rights have been violated. During the visit of the PRC Vice-Premier Li Keqiang, the police abused their power and violated basic human rights and liberties in the name of “security”. The police abuse is not for the need of social order but merely serving political interests.
The police removed a resident wearing T-shirt with slogan remembering Tiananmen Massacre in Laguna City, Kwun Tong, assaulted and detained students attempt to participate in a peaceful demonstration in the University of Hong Kong, and obstructed journalists from obtaining news materials. All of these are open and unscrupulous violation of freedoms of expression, of assembly, of press and from fear. Turning a blind eye on anonymous people’s violent “enforcement of law” jeopardizes not only the reputation of police but also the foundation of “One Country, Two System”.
In the Legislative Council security panel meeting, Tsang kept finding excuses. His ridiculous words state clearly that Tsang is the “dark shadow”, the dark shadow of tyranny. The dark shadow of tyranny is spreading to every block and every corner in Hong Kong. If you still treasure liberty, ladies and gentlemen, come and join us this Saturday. Although the dark shadow of tyranny is still covering the city and keeping surveillance on every aspect of daily life, we will definitely resist the injustice, resist the violence and reclaim freedom and liberty.
We demand:
the government to apologize for the acts and speeches obstructing freedom of expression;
the Commissioner of Police Andy Tsang Wai-hung to step down; and
to defend “One Country, Two System” and freedom liberty of Hong Kong people, stop police abuse!
Just some friendly reminders:
Please express your defense of equality and liberty with your clothes or any other methods.
It might be raining on Saturday. Please bring a black umbrella.
Anti-Eagle, Anti-Tyranny Action Group
Contact: Ms Hung (62877951), Mr Wong (93131940)
EVENT : http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=143928749032554