時間:星期一至六 上午11時至下午5時
如有任何查詢,請致電96383884或電郵至 [email protected] 聯絡創作展籌備小組統籌者賴家瑩同學或文化研究系﹕26167491
An Invitation to all Lingnan staff and students
Narrating Hong Kong Exhibition 2005
Organizer: Department of Cultural Studies
This exhibition displays the creative works of the students who took the course “Narrating Hong Kong” in the 1st term of 2004-05, including installation, model, video, photography, drawing, essay, novel and criticism. These works cover various Hong Kong related themes such as the “West Kowloon” debate, the “334”educational reform, Victoria Harbor reclamation, urban redevelopment, gender stereotypes, civic rights, personal development stories, and so on. This exhibition is also designed and executed by students themselves. You are most welcome to come to witness the creative and reflective power of Lingnan students, and the “learning through practice” pedagogy of cultural studies.
Date: 21- 30 April, 2005
Time: 11am-5pm, Mon-Sat
Venue: Exhibition Hall, 2/F, Main Building
Enquiries: Rainsta Lai, the coordinator of the Preparatory Committee at 96383384 or email to [email protected]; or the Department of Cultural Studies at 26167491.