




一. 工時過長.缺乏休息


二. 更表混亂.難以適從
1. 遲出更表:有員工在星期六下午才獲通知翌日以後的更表
2. 更期極近:不少員工於深夜時分下班(如晚上11時),但翌日卻需於清早上班(如早上6時),實在疲於奔命
3. 隨意調動更期:有經理經常性隨意調動員工更期,如在原定上班前十五分鐘才通知員工不用上班,白白浪費員工的時間及車資

1. 希望每天的更期最少相隔12小時,讓員工得到充分休息
2. 若公司欲調動更期,需最少三天前詢問員工,並獲其同意下方可更改
3. 在五日前通知員工新的更表,讓員工適當計劃個人進修及私人事宜等

三. 休息時間及設施不足

1. 希望公司嚴格執行每4小時休息15分鐘的政策,讓員工可補充體力
2. 建議參考外國迪士尼的做法,休息時間由員工到達休息室起計算
3. 擴大員工休息室空間及增加設施

四. 人手不足.需增聘全職

1. 盡快增聘全職員工,停止聘用兼職工及外判工作,以舒緩人手壓力及提升員工士氣

五. 用膳安排欠理想

1. 希望迪士尼融入本地文化,提供有薪用膳、把用膳時間增長至1小時、及為餐飲業員工提供膳食

六. 交通安排欠妥善.更期難以配合
1. 員工只能享有地鐵乘車優惠,可是很多員工上班也要乘搭其他交通工具,如巴士、九鐵、西鐵等,這筆交通費極為昂貴。
2. 雖然公司現有提供專線小巴服務,可是它只於荃灣及旺角兩區上落客及經常延誤,未能照顧在港島及新界居住的員工
3. 於地鐵尾班車後下班的同事,交通遇上極大困難,因為公司專巴的站太小、班次稀疏。

1. 希望公司仿傚其他香港公司(如九巴),向員工提供更多的交通優惠
2. 在新界、港島及九龍其他地方增設更多專線小巴站、加密班次、及正常化專巴的運作以免班次延誤

七. 管理層置若罔聞.員工投訴苦無渠道

1. 盡快就以上投訴作出跟進;並向部門發出跟進員工投訴的指引,要認真及積極處理
2. 希望公司支持員工成立工會,有效地為員工反映意見,成為公司與員工間的溝通橋樑

Concerns about the Working Conditions inside Disneyland

We are the employees of the Hong Kong Disneyland (Disney). We appreciate Disneyland's goal in bringing joy to people. However, after we have worked for Disneyland in the past few months, we find that its operation is not so smooth, which heavily affects our morale, as well as its service qualities.

a. Excessive Working Hours and Lack of Rest
We are tired with the never-ended working hours, in which floor workers need to work for 10 to 13 hours per day normally. To exclude their working hours, commuting time before and after work (around 3 hours), preparation on and off duty (around 1 hour), each worker indeed only have 7 to 10 hours left behind for leisure and sleep. These long working hours not only cause a physical and emotional tired but also cause muscle and rib fatigue.

Our Request:
1. In order to give adequate time for workers to take rest, the normal work hour limit should be set to 8 hours and overtime work should not exceed 2 hours.

b. Chaos in Duty-shift, Difficult to Adapt
Many criticisms reflect the chaotic arrangement on human resources and duty-shift schedules:
1. Late release for the duty schedules: work schedule for the following day are only informed until the evening of Saturday.
2. Too frequent overnight shift: workers are extremely tired as many of them work until 11 pm while they have to work at 6 am in the next day.
3. Free to shift duty by managerial staff: workers were informed by their managers as they could have a day-off just 15 minutes before their on duty time. Workers’ transportation cost and time were totally wasted due to this mal-arrangement.

Our request:
1. To provide enough time for workers to take rest, the time lag between each duty shift should be at least 12 hours.
2. At least 3 days prior notice should be given to workers if any change is wanted to be made in duty schedules. Any modification on duty shift can only be effective if workers agree to make such change.
3. To let workers have sufficient time to plan their leisure activities, workers should be informed their duty schedule at least 5 days before their duty time.

c. Break and Insufficient Facilities
Because of the lack of manpower, the promise of having a 15 minutes break after 4 consecutive work hours are rare to actualize. Even though workers can enjoy 15 minutes break, to exclude their commuting time towards rest room, the actual time for workers to take rest is only 5 to 9 minutes. Meanwhile, facilities including seats, microwaves and fridges inside the rest room are insufficient. All these conditions affect the morale of workers which in turns affect the quality of services.

Our request:
1. To let employees recharging, the 15 minutes break per 4 hours work policy should be carried out strictly.
2. With reference to the overseas’ Disney, resting time should start to be counted when workers arrive the rest room.
3. Size of the rest room should be enlarged as well as more facilities inside the rest room should be installed.

d. Shortage of Manpower, Full-time Staff should be Employed
Because of the unsatisfactory working condition, many workers are planning to leave or already resign. To deal with the shortage of labour, the catering and cleaning departments already contracted out part of their jobs. Indeed, this is not an ultimate solution to deal with the problem. Workers worry that contracting out and part-time employment will become the long-term policy for the Corporate. Morale for workers is thus affected seriously.

Our request:
1. To raise the morale for employees and lessen the labour shortage problem, more full-time staff should be employed. The part-time employment and contracting out policy should be terminated.

e. Dissatisfactory with the Meals arrangement
Workers in Disney only have 45 minutes to have a meal which violates the norms of 1 hour meal time. As long as the meal time is short, psychological tension and digestive disturbance are common which in turns affect the work performance directly. We are so disappointed that the meal time is excluded from working hours and meals are not provided by Disney catering division. All these working conditions are indeed the employment norms in Hong Kong.

Our request:
1. To go along the line of local working culture, meal time should be included in salary. Besides, meal time should be extended to 1 hour and meals should be provided to workers in catering department.

f. Duty shift Cannot meet the Arrangement of Traffic
Disney is far from satisfactory in traffic arrangement as workers’ transportation needs are ignored by the Corporate.
1. Only those workers who travel by MTR can enjoy travel discount whereas workers who travel by bus, East Rail, West Rail, etc. are excluded from any transport welfare coverage.
2. Although Disney does provide mini-bus service running to Tsuen Wan and Mongkok, the time for it to reach the stops is unreliable. Moreover, for those workers who live in the Hong Kong Island and New Territories receive none of this welfare. Their needs are being ignored.
3. There is transport difficulty for those workers who off duty after the last train service of MTR since the mini-bus services provide by the Corporate are not employees oriented. The numbers of stops as well as the frequency for the services are far from enough.

Our Request:
1. Disney should learn more from other business corporate such as Kowloon Bus. Much more transport welfare should be provided to Disney’s employees.
2. More stops should be set in Hong Kong Island, Kowloon and New Territories. Frequency for the services should also be increased. Furthermore, to minimize the delay for the bus, the bus services should be normalized so that different staff’s needs can be satisfied.

g. Managers Ignore the Complaints from Floor Employees
Although many employees do reflect their opinions to their managers, there is no response from the managerial level. Some of them even show a poor attitude and refuse to listen to the poor working conditions of floor employees. Since there is no reflective channel for the workers, many of them are planning to leave and even already resign.

Our request:
1. Immediate follow up should be started concerning the above-mentioned complaints. Disney should write the guidelines about handling employees’ complaints for each department and it should react to these complaints positively and seriously.
2. Disney should support the organization of trade union which can reflect the demand from workers effectively and act as a communication bridge between the Corporate and employees.

The mission for Disney is to pursue dreams and happiness for its customers. Nevertheless, many warm-hearted employees and the public are disappointed as the working conditions inside Disneyland are sharply contrasted to its mission. We hope that the Corporate will do more to actualize the policy of happiness dream by respecting the labour rights and eliminate any fake enjoyment from its employees.

For the details of the signature campaign,
please contact Ms Elaine Hui at 27708668.
