瑞典女學生 Greta Thunberg 因忍受不了政府漠視全球暖化危機,逢星期五都罷課去國會示威。她的決心激勵了不同地方的年輕人,約定今個星期五與她一起罷課,上街示威,要求政府面對全球暖化的事實,馬上行動減少溫室氣體排放。
※Are you scared of being unpopular?
※I don't want you to be hopeful. I want you to panic. I want you to feel the fear I feel every day. And then I want you to act.
※I don't care if what I’m doing – what we’re doing – is hopeful. We need to do it anyway. Even if there's no hope left and everything is hopeless, we must do what we can.
※Some people can just let things go, but I can't.
因為 Greta 看很多全球暖化的資料,她明白問題的嚴重和逼切。聯合國氣候變化委員會去年十月警告(冇人聽),全球需要在2030年前大減溫室氣體一半,才有可能減緩全球升溫至1.5攝氏度(根據香港政府數字,2005年至今,碳排放都沒有減少)。她不是散播希望,不是說個人行為環保啲就ok那種,而是號召群眾針對政府。就算是絕望,也要幹下去,這句話令人想起魯迅。