從英國的另類媒體spiked中看到一篇分析英國青年反社會論述的政治. 去年英國法庭判一名17歲的青年觸犯反社會行為(ASBO), 結果規定他接受監護, 並禁止他與三名朋友或以上聚集. 作者Dolan Cummings從追索歷史根源, 看反社會青年anti-social youth從甚麼時期開始變成社會問題, 然後再探討當中的政治.
This rhetoric encourages the wider public to interpret all nuisance behaviour as part of a general social problem that requires a concerted authoritarian response, rather than as localised inconveniences that can be dealt with in their own terms. By labelling our neighbours and their children as 'antisocial' rather than occasionally inconsiderate, it undermines trust and intensifies the anxiety that pervades contemporary society.
For the political class, however, 'antisocial behaviour' calls for nothing less than a transformation of the relationship between the citizen and the state. This seemingly trivial issue has become profoundly political.
The politics of antisocial behaviour is as much about the broader problem of social disengagement and atomisation as it is about nuisance neighbours. Lacking anything to replace the cohering political ideologies of the past, politicians are left with no choice but to adopt a more direct 'hands-on' approach to community-building.
The politics of antisocial behaviour gives shape to these threats by focusing people's unease on clear targets, typically young loiterers or 'neighbourhood terrorists'. This institutionalises atomisation rather than overcoming it, by officially endorsing a fearful attitude and undermining people's confidence in their ability to negotiate problems without official support.
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