
轉載:5‧13國際請病假日 5.13 International Sick Leave Day 2012


於是,C & G藝術單位於2008年5月13日首先發起「國際請病假日」,呼籲市民支持「國際請病假日」,於每年5月13日請病假休息一 / 多天。以「繪畫」可以陶冶性情的功能,讓自己可以有機會進行心理、心智、性格、情緒治療,動手動腳出來戶外「寫生」繪畫,舒筋活絡。

日期: 2012年5月13日(星期日)
時間: 下午2:00 – 6:00
地點: 西九文化區 海濱長廊
活動: 戶外寫生。相關裝備適隨尊便,以簡便為佳

註: ‧該處屬公共空間
‧C & G藝術單位會提供少量HB鉛筆及A4白紙供市民即興參與

Announced by C & G Artpartment in 2008, 13 May has been the“International Sick Leave Day”. It is highly recommended to take a leave from work on that day and go outdoor sketching or painting. Hong Kong people usually “have the time to die but no time to get sick.” When they know they are sick, they mostly are in a very bad condition already. “Sketching” and “painting” can help purify one’s spirit, and help patients to recover psychologically.

No matter where you are, please support the “International Sick Leave Day” and take a "sick" leave on the 13th May!

And if you are in Hong Kong on this day, you can join us at West Kowloon for outdoor sketching/painting:
Date: 13th May 2012 (Sunday)
Time: 2:00 - 6:00pm
Place: the West Kowloon Waterfront Promenade
Activity: Outdoor Sketching/Painting
(Any medium is fine, but as convenient as possible)

‧The site is a public space.
‧There is public washroom nearby the Promenade.
‧You can take some snacks and drinks with you, but have to keep the site clean.
‧Children should be escorted by adults.
‧C & G Artpartment will provide some HB pencils and A4 paper for walk-in participants
‧Free of Charge

活動詳情: https://www.facebook.com/events/402214223133226/

國際請病假日fackbook 群組:https://www.facebook.com/groups/72090363070/members/