(轉載自: http://newnewhkcc1976.wordpress.com/200 … e9%81%8b1/)
Beijing win the bid for 2008 Olympic by label it as Green Olympic, and I think label is the best description of the level of understanding of the concept of Environmentalism by Communist China, much akin to its level of understanding of Chinese culture, if any other than the custom and ritual, otherwise why the necessity of Cultural Revolution?
Environmentalism has its roots in beginning which man is separated from Nature as a whole when s/he gain consciousness, then religion is born to compensate this lost. By the advent of industrialization, the relationship between humanity and nature is further deteriorate to the role of exploiter. Capitalism, which is the embodiment of industrialization, has extend the idea of making profit through exploitation instead of cooperation to its fullest extend. Environmentalism grow as a movement to reshape the connection between humanity and nature from that of exploitation to harmony, from competition to cooperation. Therefore the idea Green Capitalism is something close to oxymoron, so do the idea of Green Olympic.
The most Environmental friendly way of doing Olympic is NOT doing it at all. Consider how many carbon dioxide and Green house gas is emitted by sportspersons and tourists when they are traveling to Beijing by airplane or other means of transportation? How would it add to the Green House effect? Is that a requirement of Beijing Olympic committee for all the travel to be carbon neutral? To be less demanding, since Internet is not advance to a level that the sportsperson could compete through the Internet, but at least we can reduce the amount of expenditure of energy by all watching the events from the Internet. Would the holder of Green Olympic welcome this idea if it is sincerely believe in the goods of environment?
Definitely not, since what beneath the surface of Green Olympic is a dog-eat-dog ultra-capitalistic society. The goal of this ‘Green Olympic’ is to maximize the amount of tourist and the amount of consumption to fill the expanding appetite of citizen who substitute the political freedom to that of freedom of buy-and-sell-anything-they-wanted from dog to endangered species to personal airplane to sex salve. How would hundreds and thousands of tourist and sportsperson do to the already fragile and overloaded ecosystem in China? Is that also a requirement from Beijing Olympic Committee for all tourists and sportspersons to behave in ecologically sensitive way throughout the Olympic Game? Does Beijing Olympic Committee constructed the Beijing in such a way that whatever the tourist and sportsperson do, it would always be carbon neutral and not causing any pollution and damage to environment? It certainly contradict the real goal of Beijing Olympic. Do we expect Beijing Olympic Committee to ensure capitalist who just made huge profit during the Olympic Game to be environmental considerate when spending their money? Does Beijing Olympic Committee ever concern of the effect on the environment after this artificial booming of economy?
Moreover, how would it do to the environments other than the city of Beijing when most of resource and attention is devoted to Beijing for the sake of window dressing? Since ecosystem is inherently a connected whole, by overfocusing on one place to be detriment of other would not do much good to environment of China as a whole, let alone the Earth as a whole. How sincere is its goal of benefit the environment of China as a whole when Communist China shut down the website of Green activist, and place them under house arrest, knowing that would increase the level of corruption in other cities?
If Beijing Olympic could be consider as a Green Olympic by solely focus on the process of Olympic Games but not the context under which it is happening, then why don’t we nominate Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Polpot for Nobel Peace Prize because they reduce the load on environment by massacring million of their own citizens?
北京奧運稱自己為環保奧運會,因為它的場所建成時合乎環境保護的標準,而能源亦是來自太陽能,但是有沒有人從整體的角度去看北京奧運如何合乎環保呢?說環保不單是目標環保,過程、方法和結果同樣要環保。而環保思維,並不單單是指物質層面上的環保,亦指精神/社會/政治/經濟上的環保;環保指的是人重建被工業文明的演進而破壞的和大自然的關係,而最後的目標不單是人和環境的和諧,亦指人和人之間的和諧,亦指前者和後者的和諧,而最終的目的是重新把人放到自然的一部份去生活。因為工業文明最大的破壞不單是自然環境,亦是把人和自然的關係由平等改成人類征服自然,同時人本身亦被資本主義的經濟模式異化人和其他人之間都成了互相利用的關係。現在中共國的「超級資本主義」經濟模式,不單是國家把人當成經濟生產的工具,凡事只考慮人的經濟價值,因為國家和人之間的關係是剝削,人所以和人之間的關係亦是剝削;因為人和人之間的關係亦是剝削,所以人和自然環境的關係亦是剝削。例如中共硬性規定汽車依車牌的單雙數隔日行車, 表面上是一時減低了空氣污染,卻沒有考慮當日不可以開車的車主的生活需要,以環保之名去腐蝕他們的行動自由,環保因此成了不少人的公敵,如此的環保政策, 以人和環境為名向人和人的和諧宣戰,忽略了人本身亦是大自然的一部份,人的需要亦是環保的考慮,環保是要有機的手段去解決整個生活模式帶來的問題,考慮現在亦考慮將來。依此思路想到:會不會因為減少了北京現在的空氣污染,卻增加了其他地區的空氣污染?會不會因為減少了北京現在的空氣污染,卻將來北京的空氣污染?會不會因為減少了北京現在的空氣污染,卻增加將來行管制空氣污染政策的難度?
最環保的奧林匹克運動會,應該是各國的觀衆留在自己國家,透過人造衛星轉播觀看北京奧運會,因為大量的觀衆搭各種交通工具前往北京,會排出大量的溫室氣體, 加速地球暖化,當然北京不會應承。而北京奧運會更會豉勵遊客盡情消費,如何的消費才合乎環保原則?就算生產過程如何環保,但消費一些本來不會消費的物品即是浪費,如何合乎環保的原則?另外,如何保證遊客在北京奧運會其間的一舉一動都合乎環保原則?如何確保生產遊客消費品的過程及結果都合乎環保原則?如何確保中共國人不會因為收入增加,奧運會後更大量的消費,間接破壞環境?如何確保中共不會因為北京奧運會得來的大量收入用在最破壞環境,不理人民死活的土木工程上呢?另外,因為北京奧運會,而被漠視了其他的環境問題,如沙膜化、水土流失、水源及空氣污染惡化,又如何合乎環保原則?因為北京奧運會,北京拒絕各地民衆因涉及環境的問題上訪北京,做成地方政府可以膜視各地的環境問題,又如何合乎環保原則?因為北京奧運會,北京拒絕各地民衆上訪北京,做成地方政府更明目張膽侵吞原本用來改善環境的款項,又如何合乎環保原則?因為北京奧運會,中共補捉環保份子,關閉他們的網站,阻礙他們用民間的力量去監察地方政府在環境問題上胡作非為,又如何合乎環保原則?