從Global Vocie online 看到一個美國博客Leonard A. Clark因為洩露軍事消息而受罰.
Clark violated Article 92 by "releasing classified information
regarding unit soldiers and convoys being attacked or hit by an
improvised explosive devices on various dates, discussing troop
movements on various dates," according to the statement. He also was
found to have released tactics, techniques, procedures and rules of
engagement, MCF-Iraq said.
Clark是伊拉克戰爭的軍事人員, 入伍前是幼稚園教師, 面對著上級的干預, 他堅持: "I believe American soldiers (my brothers and sisters) are being killed
needlessy [sic] over here in this lie we call 'the Occupation of Iraq."
不過值得注意的是, Clark將競選國會參議員, 而他是在伊拉克戰爭的尾聲才振臂高呼說戰爭是一個大話.
美國國防部於本年四月要求所有伊拉克的軍事人員要向上級報告和登記其網上寫作活動, 而Clark是首宗被罰的案例.