
賣藝者言2007@平民班房: 「論電影作者」 _ 電影選播 : 《煉獄人間》(Damnation)


People’s Classroom 2007

論電影作者 Auteurism

2007.10.31 星期三 Wed

電影選播 : 《煉獄人間》(Damnation)

貝拉‧塔爾 Bela Tarr

塔爾與匈牙利作家László Kresznahorkai的首次合作,「匈牙利平原三部曲」的第一部。

一個偏僻礦業小鎮裡,孤獨漢子Karrer迷戀上一個已婚的女歌手。這婦人徘徊在 Karrer與丈夫 Sebestyen 之間糾纏不清。Karrer 習慣光顧的酒吧叫 Titanic, 店主慫恿 Karrer 給他走私帶貨, 他卻轉而介紹負債累累的Sebestyen 頂上,然後再去舉報他。但計畫並沒有如願,Karrer卻陷入絕望之中。

影片拍竣後,官方勒令他和妻子Agnes Hranitzky關閉自己運作的一個小製片廠,並威脅在匈牙利電影界不會再有塔爾的立足之地。在政治壓力下,塔爾夫婦不得不在德國逗留一年,並目睹了柏林牆的倒塌。隨後在祖國電影人的盛情邀請下,兩人回國拍攝了長達令人窒息的七個小時的驚世之作《撒旦的探戈》。

匈牙利語對白 英文字幕 122 min 黑白 1988

This is the first of Tarr's collaborations with novelist Laszlo Krasznahorkai that brought about a maturity, and a more profound philosophical and artistic depth to his work.

It's set in a mining town where persistent fogs seep into lost souls. Karrer plods his way through life in quiet desperation. His environment is drab and rainy and muddy. Eaten up with solitude, his hopelessness would be incurable but for the existence of the Titanic Bar and its beautiful, haunting singer. But the lady is married and Karrer is determined to keep her husband away... Afterwards, one betrayal falls upon another, leaving Karrer in despair, alienated from all of humanity.

1988 Bronze Rosa Camuna Award in Bergamo Film Meeting

2005 France Culture Award for Foreign Cineaste of the Year in Cannes Film Festival

B/W Film Hungarian Dialogues with English Subtitle 122 min 1988

時間 : 2007.10.31 Wed 7.30 pm

地點 : 香港獨立媒體 @ 香港銅鑼灣軒尼詩道365號富德樓9字樓

        Inmedia 9/F Fu Tak Building, 365 Hennessy Road, Hong Kong.

電話 : 2147 0788

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