
賣藝者言2007@平民班房: 「論電影作者」 _ 電影選播 : 《潛行者》(Stalker)


People’s Classroom 2007

論電影作者 Auteurism 2007.05.31 星期四 Thu

電影選播 : 《潛行者》(Stalker) 安德烈•塔哥夫斯基 Andrei Tarkovsky

一顆鄖星墜落到地球上的一個俄羅斯小鎮,大批人罹難。村民往這奇異地區The Zone出走並消失了。傳說那裏有個叫The Room的內室,可滿足人們最深層的意願。軍隊上害怕這個神秘莫測的屋子可能帶來的後果,就立即用鐵絲網圍起那塊區域,並派全副武裝的軍隊巡邏。然而,絕望和苦楚還是不斷驅使人們叛逆,冒險進入,領頭的是一個訓練有素、經驗豐富的潛行者,他能悄無聲息地穿過The Zone內千變萬化的陷阱和圈套。有一個事業有成的作家和一個科學家,一個為了尋求靈感和冒險刺激,一個為了探明真相,雇傭了那個潛行高手,帶領他們穿越The Zone。

1980 康城影展普通評審團特別獎 1983


俄語對白 英文字幕 163 min 彩色/ 黑白1979

Near a gray and unnamed city is the Zone, an alien place guarded by barbed wire and soldiers. Over his wife's numerous objections, a man rises in the dead of night: he's a stalker, one of a handful who have the mental gifts (and who risk imprisonment) to lead people into the Zone to the Room, a place where one's secret hopes come true. That night, he takes two people into the Zone: a popular writer who is burned out, cynical, and questioning his genius; and a quiet scientist more concerned about his knapsack than the journey. In the deserted Zone, the approach to the Room must be indirect. As they draw near, the rules seem to change and the stalker faces a crisis.

1980 Prize of the Ecumenical Jury Cannes Film Festival

1983 Audience Jury Award - Special Mention in Fantasporto

Colour / B&W Film Russian Dialogues with English Subtitle 163 min 1979

時間 : 2007.05.31 Thu 7.30 pm

地點 : 香港獨立媒體 @ 香港銅鑼灣軒尼詩道365號富德樓9字樓

Inmedia 9/F Fu Tak Building, 365 Hennessy Road, Hong Kong.

電話 : 2147 0788

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