
賣藝者言2007@平民班房: 「論電影作者」_ 講座 Lecture : 塔可夫斯基的四大元素Tarkovsky's Four Elements


People’s Classroom 2007

論電影作者 Auteurism

2007.06.28 星期四 Thu

講座 Lecture : 塔可夫斯基的四大元素

Tarkovsky's Four Elements


Ingmar Bergman on Andrei Tarkovsky

My discovery of Tarkovsky's first film was like a miracle. Suddenly, I found myself standing at the door of a room the keys of which had, until then, never been given to me. It was a room I had always wanted to enter and where he was moving freely and fully at ease. I felt encouraged and stimulated: someone was expressing what I had always wanted to say without knowing how. Tarkovsky is for me the greatest, the one who invented a new language, true to the nature of film, as it captures life as a reflection, life as a dream.

Krzysztof Kieslowski on Andrei Tarkovsky

I haven't got a great talent for films.......But I'll need to take all my life to get there and I never will……..Only one director in the world has managed to achieved that miracle in the last few years and that's Tarkovsky.  

時間 : 2007.06.28 Thu 7.30 pm

地點 : 香港獨立媒體 @ 香港銅鑼灣軒尼詩道365號富德樓9字樓

Inmedia 9/F Fu Tak Biulding, 365 Hennessy Road, Hong Kong.

語言 : 廣東話

講者 : born lo

architect, critique, film worker, lecturer, and band member

建築設計師 ,文化評論人 ,電影工作者 ,大學講師及樂隊成員

http://born-born.blogspot.com/ please switch to [unicode (UTF-8) coding] for browsing

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