People’s Classroom 2007
只講大師 Master Film Auteurs
2007.12.12 星期三 Wed
電影選播 : 《秋天年鑒》(Almanac of Fall)
塔爾‧貝拉 Tarr Béla
1984年瑞士洛迦諾電影節Ernest Artaria特別獎
匈牙利語對白 英文字幕 119 min 彩色 1985
The occupants of a large apartment desperately try to relate with each other: fighting over financial matters, trying to establish their sovereignty, revealing their fears and their loneliness, grasping for love, all the while clinging to each other and hating themselves for it. To say that this a harsh tale, is to really note how bleak their lives are, how grim the large apartment is, and how unsatisfying is their love life and everything around them.
1985 Best Actor in Hungarian Film Weeks
1984 Ernest Artaria Award in Locarno International Film Festival
Colour Film Hungarian Dialogues with English Subtitle 119 min 1985
時間 : 2007.12.12 Wed 7.30 pm
地點 : 香港獨立媒體@香港銅鑼灣軒尼詩道365號富德樓9字樓
Inmedia 9/F Fu Tak Building, 365 Hennessy Road, Hong Kong.
電話 : 2147 0788
導讀 : born law 羅出世
言語 : 廣東話及英語
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