


近這一年來,我喜歡吃完晚飯後到附近的佐敦谷公園散步,既可幫助消化,又可鬆弛神經,比起呆在家中看無聊電視劇好得多!! 公園的環境真不錯,有網球場、門球場、平坦的跑步徑…到公園活動的人可按自己的需要來運用這個地方。

其中最令的感興趣的是兩位女士,她們都是愛貓之人,一日兩次到公園喂那些被遺棄的貓貓。日復如是,風雨不改。前日我到公園散步時,聽見其中一位女士憤怒地與身旁的人說,前幾日, 漁農處的人來捉貓,一共捉了五隻,其中一隻還大肚。後來有人發現被捉的貓困在山腰上的水務處,這位女士便請求他們放了這些貓,答應會帶牠們到愛護動物協會。起初水務處的人不答應,經過一輪爭論後,他們終於願意放了貓貓。當她們看見貓兒後,其中一隻已經被踏死,其他則氣若柔絲。現在被救的貓兒在愛護動物協會等人領養(幸運的話),還在公園的則由她們兩位繼續照顧,她們並經常向各位行山人士搭路,希望有人願意領養這些貓兒。






-- 葉蔭聰 於 March 28, 2005 01:15 AM (按此看回應全文)

cats in tai po and ducks in valencia...
i did have a very sad experience when i lived in tai po years ago.
there were 2 cats (a mom and her boy) in the beginning. my family and i
liked them very much. later, the mom had 2 more kittens. we feed them,
played with them. we were so happy. they lived in the hill side bear
our home.

yet, people started to complain and asked f&a dept to "catch"
them. placing a cage there. we did try try save them many times. but
finally, the 2 kittens and the mom were caiught. i was so sad. cired...
as i knew where they would go to...

then only the son was left. we feed him still. everyday. later,
people started not to bother... so he was manage to live for some more
years... until one day he never came back...

recently, i've got a memo on my door written -- ducks and some birds
living in the pond (of this condo area) are causing risk to health for
residence. so we are "encouraged" not to feed them. if people still go
on feeding them (i sometimes feed them with the bread i couldn't
finsih), they will ask "professional" people to cast them away!!!!! i
thought this thing wouldn't happen in US...

there is an artifical pond right before my home and there are many
ducks and bird living there. acutally, people here are "proud" of that
pond and it can attact birds to live there... some of them feed them as

i realize there are very few left these days... i hope after some
time, people will "forget" and they will be back and i will feed them
again for sure! i talk to them too.

it is a world for all!

FOR ALL!!!!!!

-- ahsun 於 March 28, 2005 07:41 PM (按此看回應全文)