我們怎能坐視韓國政府打壓工會及拘捕工會分子而不理 !公務員工會委員會於昨晚會議上議決下列行動:
1. 個別工會致函抗議信給韓國政府官員;
2. 到本港韓國領事館抗議及呈遞抗議信。
日期 :十月十日(星期二)
時間 :下午四時
集合地點 :金鐘地鐵站海富中心出口 地面(A)
希望各位響應是次行動,出席十月十日的抗議行動並呼籲你所屬的工會及團體 一齊參與。若有任何問題或建議,請致電 2770 8668 / 9275 3732 ,職工盟阿郭。
韓國「全國公共服務勞工工會」(KGEU 全公勞) http://inter.kgeu.org/
遭國家暴力、警察機關鎮壓,一百多個獨立工會被強迫關閉 ,急需國際串連聲援!
韓國「全國公共服務勞工工會」(KGEU 全公勞),五年前以「掃清公職社會腐敗」的目標而成立 ,相對於合法成立的公務員工會「公勞總」有7萬多名會員 ,全公勞則擁有14萬多人的會員。
由於南韓政府不承認公務員有團結、爭議權 (如罷工等權力),甚至在去年國會通過【公務員工會法】,限制六級以下的團體決策權、協商權的範圍,並否定團體爭議權 ,這是主張勞動三權(團結、協商、爭議權)是基本工會權利的全公勞所無法接受的。因此政府認定全公勞是「非法的」。即使公務員理應有 行使政治活動的基本權利,對全公勞介入地方選舉,公開支持「民主勞動黨」,主張廢止每年北韓的軍事演習等主張 ,南韓政府確認定其行動為非法。
從9月22日凌晨開始政府派出鎮暴警察,強制關閉南韓各地140間 的「全公勞」工會辦公室,逮捕多名工會成員以及「Altogeth er」與「民主勞動黨」等聲援組織的成員。事實上 ,這次政府積極鎮壓公務員工會的行動,目的在於推動公共服務領域的新自由主義政策,例如改變工資結構及公務員退休金等等,這是 「全公勞」過去所堅決反對的。另一方面,全公勞一貫站在進步陣營,反對當權者,而威脅到政府的特權,因此「全公勞 」一直是政府亟欲除之而後快的眼中釘,雖然工會辦公室在這次鎮壓中被警察砸毀、強迫關閉,但不等於工會的垮台,且在這過程當中有工會 的新支部出現。最近「全公勞」對政府提出告訴,並且將在10月發動 抗爭。
我們可以看到最堅決挑戰政府特權,反對新自由主義政策對工人大眾傷 害的工人組織,赤裸裸地遭到政府最惡劣的暴力壓制 ,這並非只在南韓,我們應當對這惡劣的暴行提出最嚴正的抗議 ,聲援南韓的工人兄弟姊妹們!
Solidarity needed!
The crack down on the KGEU still continues today!
Your solidarity is needed!
對 全公勞 KGEU的攻擊行動今天仍然持續!
今天(9.29)是對全公勞當地辦公室攻擊行動的 第四天,全國111個辦公室被強迫關閉,從上週五開始每個工作天,工會辦公室持續受到暴力攻擊,不少工會成員遭到逮捕 ,從清晨到午夜,鎮暴警察和特別雇用的暴徒入侵工會辦公室。
許多全公勞的辦公室被暴力闖入並被迫關閉 ,鎮暴警察和暴徒用滅火器、鐵鎚、電鑽等作為武器破窗而入,甚至在牆壁上開出一個洞當作攻進辦公室的入口。全公勞的成員被強 行拖出辦公室並遭到逮捕,則以鐵板或拒馬將工會辦公室封鎖。
全公勞的成員正在全國各地,奮力對抗當地政府和鎮 暴警察施加的殘忍又野蠻的突擊,這是一場民主獨立的工會和威權政府 的戰爭,也是一場相信所有工人有組織自由和工會應由政府主導意識之 間的戰爭。
在這關鍵時刻,它會對我們的成員發揮強大的鼓舞力 量。
讓他們知道世界正在看,如此殘暴的鎮壓是不被允許 的!
早上六點,鎮暴警察就在位於京畿道富川市的工會辦 公室展開部署,執行單位和鎮暴警察用焊接工具和鐵槌試圖闖進辦公室 .。七點時大門被拆掉,25位工會成員堅守在辦公室裡抵抗 ,甚至用鐵鍊將自己鎖在裡面,但七點四十五分鎮暴警察還是佔領的辦 公室,成員們也被拖出。
全公勞在果川市的分部在十點廿分遭到攻擊 ,鎮暴警察用鐵鎚在牆上挖洞,大舉入侵辦公室。十一點卅分,裡面的工會成員受到嚴重毆打並逮捕,18位全公勞成員和其他團結 組織的夥伴受到逮捕並帶回警局,其中有四位夥伴因受重傷住院.!
在水原市,鎮暴警察在九點卅分闖進辦公室 ,大門和整片牆遭到破壞,工會成員被鎮暴警察拖出 ,有一名女性成員被直接摔出!
烏山市分部在十一點卅分關閉,華城市分部在下午三點四十分 ,安養市和高陽市分部在下午六點四十分,抱川市分部在下午七點,平澤市分部在七點十分,利川市分部也在今天被迫關閉 ,安山市分部則被警告將在明天關閉。
晉州市分部是唯一曾擊退攻擊的工會分部 ,現在也再度面臨強迫關閉!
鎮暴警察在今天下午五點卅分開始部署 ,六點時市政府警告明天早上七點將會核准執行單位強迫關閉工會辦公室。鎮暴警察已經在七樓辦公室的所在地部署,走道滿是鎮暴警察 ,他們阻止工會成員在辦公室走動,成員們實質上已受到拘禁。如果有成員要離開上廁所,便無法再返回辦公室。
上百名成員和其他組織的夥伴被封鎖在大廳,目前場內場外正在舉行抗 議集會。他們將會徹夜靜坐。
7th F1. Daeyoung Bldg. 139 Youngdeungpo-2-ga. Youngdeungpo-gu
Seoul 150-982, Korea
Tel : +82-2-2631-1949 / Fax : +82-2-2631-1949
Email : [email protected]
Mr. Roh Moo-Hyun
President of the Republic
1 Sejong-no, Jongno-gu
Seoul 110-820, Republic of Korea
Tel: +822 770-0018; Fax: + 82 2 770-03 47 or 770-0001 / + 82 2 770-25 79. E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
Ms. Han Myeong-sook
Prime Minister
77-6 Sejongno, Jongno-gu
Seoul, Republic of Korea
Fax: + 82-2-720-35 71
Email: [email protected]
Mr. Ban Ki-moon
Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade
91-5 Doryeom-dong, Jongno-gu
Seoul, Republic of Korea
Fax : 82-2-2100-7913
Mr. Kim Sung-ho
Minister of Justice
1 Jungang-dong, Gwacheon Government Complex
Gyeonggi Prov., Republic of Korea
Fax: + 82-2-504-5724 / +82-2-503-3337 / +82-2-503-3532
Mr. Lee Sang-soo
Minister of Labour
2 Jungang-dong, Gwacheon
Gyeonggi Prov. Republic of Korea
Fax : + 82-2-3679-6581
Mr. Lee Yong-sup
Minister of Government Administration and Home Affairs
77-6 Sejongno, Jongno-gu
Seoul, Republic of Korea
Fax : + 82-2-3703-5531
National Human Rights Commission of Korea
16 Euljiro 1-ga, Jung-gu
Seoul 100-842, Republic of Korea
Fax: +82 2 2 125 98 11 / 96 66
E-mail: [email protected]
Dear all,
Solidarity to Korean Workers! Protest agaisnt Korean Government.
The Public service worker in HK is going to hold a solidarity action, protest agaisnt the crackdown to public service unions in Korea. Please join and send letter to Korean Government.
Action Details:
Date: 2nd October, 2006 (Tue)
Time: 4:00 p.m.
Gathering venue: Area outside Exit A, Admiralty MTR
For any further questions, pls call 2770 8668 / 9275 3732, Kwok
South Korea: Solidarity needed! The crack down on the KGEU still continues today!
KGEU Breaking News 060927
September 27, 2006
Your solidarity is needed!
Today is the 4th day of the crack down on the KGEU local offices. 111 local offices were forcefully closed down nation wide. Every working day has seen the violent attacks on the union offices and the arrests of the union members since last Friday. The riot police and the specially hire thugs have raided the union office from dawn till midnight.
Many KGEU offices were violently broken into and closed down. Riot police and thugs armed with fire extinguishers, fire-fighting dust, hammers, claw hammers, hammer drills and power saws broke through the windows or even by making an opening in the wall to storm into union offices. KGEU members were forcefully pulled out of the union offices and arrested. The union offices the union offices were sealed off with iron plates or bars in many cases.
KGEU members struggle all around the country against inhumane and barbaric raids by local governments and riot police.
It was a war between a democratic and independent trade union and an authoritarian and barbaric government. It was a war between those who believe in freedom of association for all workers and those who believe that trade union rights could be subject to government rulings.
We need your solidarity now!
Please send your solidarity message to the KGEU! It will greatly encourage and empower our members in this critical moment. It will let our members know we are not alone.
Please send your protest letter to the Korean government! Let them know that the world is witnessing and that this brutal repression can not be accepted.
The addresses and contact points will be attached in the end of this news break.
Today's targets were the KGEU Chapters in Gyeonggi.
From 06:00, the riot police were deployed around the union office in Bucheon City in Gyeonggi-do(province). And the execution officials with the riot police began to try to break into the union office. Welding machines and hammers were used. At 07:00, the doors were removed. 25 union members were resisting the violent closure inside the office, to which they even chained themselves. But the riot police and the execution officials took over the office at 07:45 and the union members were pulled out. (Photos from struggles at Bucheon)
An attack on the KGEU Gyeonggi Gwacheon Chapter started from 10:20 with the riot police deployed. The riot police broke the walls with hammers to sweep into the union office. The union members inside were severely beaten up and arrested at 11:30. 18 members from KGEU and solidarity organisations were arrested and taken to the local police stations. 4 of those were seriously injured and hospitalised.
In Suwon, the riot police and the execution officials broke into the union office at 09:30. The doors and the whole walls were broken down. The union members were pulled out by the riot police and a woman member was just thrown away.
7 more KGEU chapters in Gyeonggi-do were forcefully closed down.
The KGEU Osan Chapter office was closed down at 11:30, Hwaseong Chapter at 15:40, Anyang Chapter and Goyang Chapter at 18:40, Pocheon Chapter at 19:00, Pyeongtaek chapter at 19:10 and Icheon Chapter was also shut off today. Besides Ansan Chapter was also warned that it would be closed down tomorrow.
The KGEU Jinju Chapter, the only case that defeated the attack on the union office is now facing forceful closure again. The riot police began to be deployed from 17:30 today. At 18:00 the municipality warned that they will implement the warrant of administrative execution for forceful closing down of the union office at 07:00 tomorrow morning. The riot police already deployed at the 7th floor where the union office is located. The aisle of the floor is filled with the riot police and they are blocking union members from walking around the union office. The unionists are substantially confined. If the unionists go out for toilet, they are not allowed to come back to the office. Hundreds of the unionists and the members from solidarity organisations are blocked at the lobby of the building. Now a protest rally is being held in front of the building and sit-in protests inside and outside the union office will be held overnight.
The addresses and contact points
KGEU (Korean Government Employees' Union)
7th F1. Daeyoung Bldg. 139 Youngdeungpo-2-ga. Youngdeungpo-gu
Seoul 150-982, Korea
Tel : +82-2-2631-1949 / Fax : +82-2-2631-1949
Email : [email protected]
Contact points and addresses of the Korean Government
Mr. Roh Moo-Hyun
President of the Republic
1 Sejong-no, Jongno-gu
Seoul 110-820, Republic of Korea
Tel: +822 770-0018; Fax: + 82 2 770-03 47 or 770-0001 / + 82 2 770-25 79. E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
Ms. Han Myeong-sook
Prime Minister
77-6 Sejongno, Jongno-gu
Seoul, Republic of Korea
Fax: + 82-2-720-35 71
Email: [email protected]
Mr. Ban Ki-moon
Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade
91-5 Doryeom-dong, Jongno-gu
Seoul, Republic of Korea
Fax : 82-2-2100-7913
Mr. Kim Sung-ho
Minister of Justice
1 Jungang-dong, Gwacheon Government Complex
Gyeonggi Prov., Republic of Korea
Fax: + 82-2-504-5724 / +82-2-503-3337 / +82-2-503-3532
Mr. Lee Sang-soo
Minister of Labour
2 Jungang-dong, Gwacheon
Gyeonggi Prov. Republic of Korea
Fax : + 82-2-3679-6581
Mr. Lee Yong-sup
Minister of Government Administration and Home Affairs
77-6 Sejongno, Jongno-gu
Seoul, Republic of Korea
Fax : + 82-2-3703-5531
National Human Rights Commission of Korea
16 Euljiro 1-ga, Jung-gu
Seoul 100-842, Republic of Korea
Fax: +82 2 2 125 98 11 / 96 66
E-mail: [email protected]
KIM Seok
C.P. : +82-(0)16-237-5940
email: [email protected] [email protected]
Executive Director of International Relations
Korean Government Employees' Union
Tel: +82-2-2631-1948 Fax: +82-2-2631-1949
Web: (Kor) http://www.kgeu.org (Eng) http://inter.kgeu.org