
聲援韓國大罷工- 抗議韓國政府種種打壓工會的惡行

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聲援韓國大罷工- 抗議韓國政府種種打壓工會的惡行

響應 十一月十五日 國際行動日

韓國盧武鉉政府自上任以來,一直拒絕根據國際勞工標準,保障工人基本的組織工會權利。儘管在今年三月,聯合國國際勞工組織通過了一份報告,向韓國政府提出一系列的改善建議,但盧武鉉政府不但拒絕落實這些建議,更對國內工會加緊進行打壓,其中對韓國政府僱員工會(Korean Government Employees Union, KGEU)和韓國建築業工會聯會(Korean Federation of Construction Industry Trade Unions, KFCITU)的打壓尤為猛烈。


與此同時,韓國政府亦展開了對韓國建築業工會聯會的大規模打壓。韓國政府往往動用大量防暴警察,暴力地驅散建築工人的遊行、罷工等行動。其中一位名叫Ha Joong Keun的建築工人,更被防暴警察用鐵盾攻擊頭部而死亡。此外,韓國政府更利用司法機器,對參與工業行動的工會領袖和成員進行檢控,其中85名工會會員被判監禁。

再者,韓國政府亦透過操控一個缺乏代表80萬會員的韓國民主勞總(Korean Confederation of Trade Unions, KCTU)參與的勞、資、官三方委員會(Tripartite Committee),通過了大量不利勞工和工會組織的政策,例如將令非正規僱用情況惡化的非正規僱用法案;將保障工人結社自由,容許一企業內多於一個工會同時存在的法案延遲三年實行;通過禁止僱主向全職工會幹事支薪的法案。

面對當前韓國政府對工會充滿敵意的環境,韓國民主勞總將於 11月15日 發動全國大罷工和國際行動日,向韓國政府種種打壓工會的惡行提出強烈抗議。


1. 停止打壓工會;

2. 落實國際勞工組織的一系列建議;

3. 落實保障非正規工人的權益;

4. 按照國際勞工標準改善勞工法例。


日期: 2006年11月15日(星期三)


集合地點:金鐘地鐵站A出口 (海富中心)

聯絡及查詢:郭錦林(2770 8668 9275 3732)

此外,職工盟亦呼籲各屬會成員響應國際建築工人聯會(Building and Wood Workers' International, BWI)及國際公共服務業工會聯會(Public Services International, PSI)的網上聯署行動,向盧武鉉政府寄出抗議信。



Solidarity with General Strike in Korea

Join the International Day of Action on November 15

Since Roh Moon Hyun took the office as President, the South Korean Government has failed in ensuring fundamental trade union rights according to international labour standards. In March of this year, the ILO released a report that makes recommendations on the government’s repressions against trade unions. However, the Roh Moon Hyun government not only has refused to implement these recommendations but more importantly it has chosen to intensify its attacks on the Korean Government Employees Union (KGEU) and the Korean Federation of Construction Industry Trade Unions (KFCITU).

Since 2002, the ILO has called on the South Korean government to recognize the KGEU but the government steadfastly refuses to do so, stating that the KGEU is an illegal organization. In September, the government sent in thousands of riot police across the country to use “any means necessary” to shut down the KGEU union offices. As a result of the attacks, more than 100 union offices were shut down, more than 100 KGEU members and solidarity organization members were arrested and some of them were seriously injured.

Meanwhile, the South Korean Government also intensify its repressive actions on the KFCITU. The South Korean Government habitually mobilizes thousands of riot police across the country to forcibly break KFCITU actions and strikes. At times, the police violence is extreme resulting in many injuries and in the case of Ha Joong Keun, a tragic death. Brother Ha died from injuries he suffered after several riot police repeatedly beat him on the head with their metal shield. Moreover, 85 KFCITU members have been imprisoned just for exercising their fundamental trade union rights---right to organize, the right to strike, and the right to bargain.

On the other hand, through deliberately excluding the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions (KCTU) which represents 800,000 members from the meeting of the Tripartite Committee, the South Korean Government adopted many anti-labor and anti-union policies. These policies include introducing legislation of irregular workers which will in fact institutionalize and expand irregular labor, deferring the existence of multiple unions at the enterprise level for another three years, prohibiting employers from paying salary to union officials.

Despite the government repression and the challenges they are facing, the KCTU will launch a General Strike on November 15 and in conjunction with this strike, the KCTU calls on the international community to coordinate a series of actions and events to support their struggle.

In solidarity with the Korean labor movement, the Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions will stage a demonstration outside the Korean Consulate, to urge the Korean Government to:

1. stop repressing trade unions;

2. implement the recommendations of the ILO;

3. protect the rights of irregular workers;

4. amend the labor law, in line with international labor standards.

Action Details:

Date: 15th November, 2006 (Wed)
Gathering time: 4:00 p.m.
Gathering venue: Area outside Exit A (Admiralty Centre), Admiralty MTR
For any further questions, please call Kwok at 2770 8668 / 9275 3732

Lastly, HKCTU also calls for the support of the online petitions launched by Building and Wood Workers' International (BWI) and Public Services International (PSI), to send protest letter to the Roh Moon Hyun Government.

http://www.world-psi.org/TemplateEn.cfm?Section=Urgent_actions2&Template... __._,_.___