

為了進入WTO印度被迫接受知識產權的條款, 於國內打撃侵犯知識產權的藥物, 當中包括治療愛滋病的藥物, 預計這做法會使數以千萬計的印度病患者死亡.

印度這例子告訴發展中國家, 若不考慮不同國家的發展步伐, 世界知識產權組織WIPO會為第三世界和發展中國家帶來莫大的傷害.

巴西和阿根延連同14個發展中國家和世界500出名的科學家於2004年8月於提出, WIPO條例應加入彈性的條款, 使發展中國家可以視乎實際的狀況和公眾利益落實知識產權的條文:

1. reviewing existing activities and treaties that have been negotiated or that are on the negotiating table in WIPO to ensure that these treaties do not restrict or prevent developing countries from having access to tools such as information and technology that they need to develop.

2. The review should include the WIPO Copyright Treaty (WCT) and the proposed Substantive Patent Law Treaty and the Treaty on the Protection of Broadcasting Organizations, which are now being negotiated.

3. a "positive agenda" for development, which could include the creation of new treaties, for example, on access to knowledge, on access to technology and on minimum limitations and exceptions in relation to copyright and patent protection.

美國則堅持WIPO要專注落實知識產權, 並透過成立WIPO 伙伴辦公室(WIPO Partnership Office), 以銀蛋政策, 設立基金"幫助"一些比較貧窮的國家執行保護知識產權的條款. 硬性落實WIPO最有利美國等高科技國家進入第三世界.

其實過去年幾來, 不單非政府組織在反世貿, 發展中國家也與世貿的軸心國對峙, 中國加入世貿後, 很多發展中國家期望中國可以帶頭於世貿中爭取有利第三世界國家發展的條款...
