
美國政府壯陽靈丹: Global online freedom act

美國國會有關 Global online freedom act 的草案, 可以在 RConversation 下載. (不過該議案好像不太完整, 於27頁中斷了)

該法案尤如一場政治秀, 去向國民表演美國支持自由的正面形象. 背景部份大都針對中國, 具體的操施會惹起很大爭議, 當中會涉及施法管轄權, 草案中有一條要求跨國互聯網公司在提供用戶資料時合符美國 Department of justice的準則, 雖然我很討厭國內的言論查禁, 但草案實在越權:

Any United States business that maintains an Internet content hosting service may not provide to any foreign official of an Internet-restricting country information that personally identifies a particular user of such content hosting service, except for legitimate foreign law enforcement purposes as determined by the Department of Justice.


1. 透過國際組織如WTO, OECD等向中國政府施壓, 或訂立國際法規.
2. 人權報告中入加互聯網的環節
3. 成立保障全球互聯網自由辦公室
4. 不同區域和國家的互聯網政策年度報告
5. 設立企業最低保障自由的標準

- 不能有不同的搜尋結果清單
- 要定明那些搜尋結果曾被過濾
- 保護美國支持的資訊 (如美國知音)
- 向全球互聯網自由辦公室提供相關資料
- 除非取得美國施法機關許可, 不能向別國提供用戶資料

6. 出口監控 (文件不完整)...

另外, 描繪中國的章節如下, 同意安替的判斷, 這條法案並不是為了中國的言論自由, 而更像是一場大美壯陽政治秀, 很值得細讀 :

The Government of the People’s Republic of China has employed censorship of the Internet in violation of Article 35 of the Chinese Constitution, which guarantees freedom of speech, freedom of the
press, freedom of assembly, freedom of association, freedom of procession, and freedom of demonstration.

This censorship by the Chinese Government promotes, perpetuates, and exacerbates a xenophobic—and at times particularly anti-American—Chinese nationalism, the long-term effect of which will be deleterious to United States efforts to prevent the relationship between the United States and China from becoming hostile.

Unchecked transfers of dual use technology have already increased China’s ability to successfully invade Taiwan, and correspondingly diminished United States and Taiwanese capacity to defend that democratic society, thereby greatly increasing tension in East Asia.

Technology companies in the United States that operate in countries controlled by authoritarian foreign governments have a responsibility to comply with the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Technology companies in the United States have succumbed to pressure by authoritarian foreign governments to provide such governments with information about Internet users that has led to the arrest and imprisonment of cyber dissidents, in violation of the corporate responsibility of such companies to protect and uphold human rights.

Technology companies in the United States have provided the technology and training to authoritarian foreign governments to assist such governments in filtering and blocking information that promotes democracy and freedom.

Technology companies in the United States have failed to develop standards by which they can conduct business with authoritarian foreign governments while protecting human rights to freedom of speech and freedom of expression.