美國國會決定成立工作小組去大陸了解網絡查禁的政策, 並嘗試進行遊說, 其姿態一如既往, 要當捍衛言論自由的國際先鋒: US moves to fight internet censorshop
國內的網絡管理部門隨即反擊, 跟 new york times 的記者說, 我們與美國的網絡管理政策相差無幾, 可謂半斤八兩, Bush 政府也通過 patriot act, 讓聯邦調查局審查國民的電郵和網絡 IP.
Mr. Liu also said the powers that the Bush administrations gained
under the Patriot Act to monitor Web sites and e-mail communications
and the deployment of technology called Carnivore by the F.B.I., which
allows it to scrutinize huge volumes of e-mail traffic, are examples of
how the United States has taken legal steps to guard against the spread
of "harmful information" online.
"It is clear that any country's
legal authorities closely monitor the spread of illegal information,"
he said. "We have noted that the U.S. is doing a good job on this
可見, 布殊政府的近年的所作所為, 使美國的國際警察位置一敗塗地.
其實現在國內面對兩個問題, 一個是關鍵的查禁, 另外一個是向網絡公司索取用戶資料進行政治檢控. 前者違反言論論自由, 正如 google 說, 若把查禁視為貿易壁壘可能有討價的空間. 但後者涉及國內既有的法律體制下, 政府的確可以要求網絡商提供 "政治罪犯" 的資料, 美國對恐怖份子的定義, 其鬆散度, 大概與中國的 "顛覆罪" 差不了多少... 若要改變既有的政治罪定義, 力量始終要來自國內.