緊急: 同志遊行8日前,同志驕傲表演徵集中!尚欠HK$20,000及40名義工!
同志們, 開SHOW啦, 召集表演者~
遊行終點集會舞台表演者:各類文化藝術演出,唱歌、舞蹈、脫衣舞、catwalk、drag show、任何扮裝表演、釋放真我,表現自我,驕傲自豪,與眾同樂,無任歡迎。請立即電郵至info@hkpride. net ,別忘了留下你的名字及聯絡方法。
Performers: To perform on stage at the end of the Parade: All type of artistic performance are welcome. please email to info@hkpride. net ASAP!.
** 義工急需40名 **
13/12遊行日(中午12時至晚上7時): 糾察、佈置、錄影、特大彩虹旗旗手、場地佈置擔抬
義工報名: 請將你的姓名、電話、電郵、你有空的日期時間、及你願意擔當的工作(如上述那些), 電郵至info@hkpride. net。主題請註明"我係義工"。
** 急需捐款2萬港元製作費!請即加入「廿蚊雞行動」**
預計活動製作費超過5萬元,用於舞台音響、場地佈置、場刊及宣傳單張、及其他製作費用。現在仍需要約2萬元,請捐款支持我們。「廿蚊雞行動」經已展開,呼籲大家將拿出$20支持香港同志遊行2008,集腋成裘,共同創造歷史。捐款請存入恆生銀行戶口,289-539272-001 (戶口名稱 Women Coalition of HKSAR),請電郵info@hkpride. net寫下姓名及捐款以作紀錄。如蒙贊助任何貨品及服務,亦請電郵我們詳談。
** Urge for critical $20,000 donation for production expenses **
Please joint us by “$20 donor action”
Estimated over 50000 production expenses for our pride parade event this year, we ran through parties, agencies, and via internet to seek for donation. All expenses would subsidize the production costs on audio support, venue decoration, pamphlets and flyers, and miscellaneous fees. We still need $20,000. Joint us, donor your $20, to be part of the history. Transfer your donation to Hang Seng Bank account 289-539272-001 (Account Name: Women Coalition of HKSAR). Please also send your name and amount of donation to our email box info@hkpride. net for record purposed. If any merchandise or service would be sponsored, please also send us an email to discuss.
緊急: 同志遊行8日前,同志驕傲表演徵集中!尚欠HK$20,000及40名義工!