

boing boing 中看到一個歐洲爭取消費者數碼權利(consumer digital rights) 的網站. 爭取以下的消費者權利:

選擇, 知識和文化多元的權利: Right to choice, knowledge and cultural diversity

保持技術中立的權利, 數碼產品的資訊應公開透明 (主要針對 digital right managment 的做法), 反對以數碼技術剝奪消費者權益: Right to the principle of “technical neutrality” – defend and maintain consumer rights in the digital environment

與生產者平等地享有新技術帶來的好處, (如有權把CD音樂轉成mp3)
Right to benefit from technological innovations without abusive restrictions

要求數碼產品可以以不同的機器播放: Right to interoperability of content and devices

保障私隱權: Right to the protection of privacy

免受刑事起訴權, 因為網上下載並不是偷東西, 亦不等同盈利性的盜版行為: Right not to be criminalised


1, A legal framework that will encourage new means of exposure and distribution of digital content, while guaranteeing remuneration to artists, creators and performers and providing consumers and the public with new means of access, discovery and new uses;

2. A new balance between exclusive rights in the exploitation of digital content and public interest objectives in using and sharing such content, taking into account the new possibilities of content usage enabled by technical progress;

3. That industry desist from legal action against P2P downloaders to allow the market to find solutions for the on-line development of audio/visual distribution that takes due account of the public interest and the interest of artists, creators and performers;

4. Action to find solutions on how consumers can effectively exercise their private use rights and to guarantee that users of DRMs respect the legitimate interest of consumers in their personal autonomy and private sphere;

5. Mechanisms to ensure that TPMs or DRMs, which restrict uses legally exempted from copyright or not falling under copyright, do not benefit from legal protection;

6. A review of the EU legal framework on consumer protection and intellectual property in view of the 6 consumers rights demands expressed in this Declaration.
