

一個好題目, 不過缺乏實證研究...

The future of dissent: hacking Chinese censorship

Giovanni Navarria


Cracks in the System

So is the future of our expanding
network society a bleak one? Given certain conditions – namely threats
and authoritarian regimes – we might be tempted to conclude that the
internet is nothing but a strong amplifier of pre-existing patterns of
domination that has turned governments in an even more powerful digital Big Brother. Corroborating evidence comes from the censorship regimes of other authoritarian regimes such as Burma.
From this standpoint, the network can be seen as a new infrastructure
of power, rather than the handmaiden of a more democratic future.

Upon more careful examination, the reality appears to be rather different. As Hannah Arendt remarked in her 1969 essay On Violence, when a government starts loosing control, that
is the proof that legitimacy (people’s support) has vanished. An
outburst of violence or an attempt (even a successful one) to tighten
further the web of censorship signals a crack in the structure of

