
網吧 ---- 一齣有關電郵新娘的諷刺喜劇

網吧 ---- 一齣有關電郵新娘的諷刺喜劇


Written in collaboration with the cast (15 Filipino migrant workers), Internet
Cafe is a timely play about the real life experiences of email-order brides,
the existence of whom arises out of modern day globalization which does
businesses through cyberspace. The play presents the sad realities in life
faced by these women who have been trapped in a world of consumerism and great
disparity between the rich and the poor countries.

AMTC presents the play in creative drama, songs, creative dance and movements
and poetry.

presented by Asian Migrants’Theatre Company and Asian People’s Theatre Festival Society

Choreographer 編舞: Michael Lopez * Director 導演: Cha Delacruz

Venue 地點: Fringe Club Studio, Lower Albert Road, Central, HK 藝穗會(中環下亞

Premiere Date 日期: 11 December 2005/2005年12月11日

1st show 第一場: 2:15pm * 2nd show 第二場: 4:45pm

Tickets available at the Fringe Club Box Office 購票請到藝穗會票房
@ HK$80.00 票價80元

For booking, please contact 留座請聯絡 Ms. Edith Tiglao at 9153 7497 or Cha at
3528 9049 或莫昭如 98007169