All proceeds from HK sales of Umbrella: A Political Tale from Hong Kong go to organizations that stand for democracy and freedom of expression in HK.
If you order Umbrella: A Political Tale from Hong Kong in the United States or elsewhere in the world, it’s only a click away.
If you’re in Hong Kong, your HK$200 go directly to one of four excellent organizations of your choice: Demosistō, Hong Kong Free Press, Justice Defence Fund or League of Social Democrats. All four are non-profits that depend on donations to operate, and all four stand strong for Hong Kong.
To purchase the book in HK, please:
1. transfer at least $200 to one of the four groups via internet bank, ATM, bank teller or cheque, according to the instructions below of the group you choose;
2. send the proof of purchase, such as a photo of the bank transfer slip or cheque, to [email protected] as an attachment along with the address in Hong Kong to which the book should be sent.
The four groups and their donation information
Demosistō is a political party founded after the end of the Umbrella Movement by young people including Joshua Wong, Nathan Law and Agnes Chow who were movement leaders. It advocates full, genuine democracy and self-determination for Hong Kong.
More than a year after receiving Demosistō’s application, the Companies Registry of the Hong Kong government has neither accepted nor rejected it. This means the party is as yet unable to open a bank account in its name. (Political parties in HK typically register as companies since there are no specific laws regarding registration of political parties.) Therefore, cheques should be made out to Demosistō and sent to: Wong Chi Fung (Joshua Wong), P.O. Box №73962, Kowloon Central Post Office, Hong Kong
Hong Kong Free Press was started not long after the end of the Umbrella Movement in order to provide high-quality, independent English-language news about Hong Kong. It is non-profit and has the widest coverage in HK of issues focused on democracy, human rights and freedom. It has also lead a campaign to get the HK government to recognize online media and grant them access to its events.
Cheques payable to Hong Kong Free Press Limited can be sent with your name and address to: Hong Kong Free Press Limited, c/o D100, Room 701–705, 7/F, Core B, Cyberport 3, 100 Cyberport Road, Hong Kong
Or you can transfer to HKFP’s HSBC account: Hong Kong Free Press Limited, 817887532–838. In order for HKFP to accept the contribution, you must email [email protected] with a photo of the transfer/payment slip.
Justice Defence Fund was set up in late 2016 to help defray the legal costs of four pro-democracy Legislative Council members, Nathan Law, Long Hair, Lau Siu-lai and Edward Yiu, who the Hong Kong government attempted to disqualify. The government’s application for judicial review was heard at the High Court in March. In July, the court disqualified them from Legco, a decision that would have been impossible without the interference of an interpretation of the Basic Law on oath-taking issued by the Chinese government in November last year. The decision effectively wipes out the votes of over one-hundred thousand voters in the only fully democratic elections HK has as well as depriving the pro-democracy camp in Legco of its veto power over changes to the Basic Law. Two of the four, Long Hair and Lau Siu-lai, have applied for leave to appeal the ruling. Long Hair will receive legal aid. HK$2.9 million of Lau Siu-lai’s legal costs will come from the Justice Defence Fund. Not only must the four pay their own legal representatives but the High Court has ordered them to pay the government’s costs. Plus, they may be ordered by Legco to return their salaries since the court ruling is retroactive. Indeed, the costs may be so high that the four are forced to declare bankruptcy, which would disqualify them from running in by-elections to fill their vacant seats.
Donations to the Justice Defence Fund can be made through account holder Hong Kong Professional Teachers’ Union, Hang Seng Bank, account number 788–006039–001.
League of Social Democrats is one of HK’s most progressive political parties, fighting for democracy and social justice. It played a central role in the Umbrella Movement. Its leaders, Long Hair, Raphael Wong and Avery Ng, are amongst the most prosecuted, accounting for 10 of the 40 legal cases brought against pro-democracy leaders by the HK government since the Umbrella Movement.
Donations can be made to: account holder League of Social Democrats, HSBC, account number 172–5–055782.
More info on Umbrella: A Political Tale from Hong Kong by Kong Tsung-gan