廖家宜,別名Miss FAT,於1987年10月21日出世的小美人,由中三開始醉心於繪畫創作,會考後更決心一生從事創作,直至魂歸天國。
藝術作品「肥娃 Miss FAT」系列,是廖家宜的自畫像,作品描述她的生活體驗及個人的感情抒發,同時也反映著當代女性的姿態和社會地位。
A beauty who is born in 1987, 21 October. To be bent on painting when she study in secondary school. Decided to be an artist after HKCEE.
2005 start to exhibit her artwork in different site include gallery, shopping mall and bookstore.
Aseries of her self-portrait work “Miss FAT”, which is a describe of her life and expression of her emotions. And it reflects the posture and position of contemporary female simultaneously.