
1213 驕傲愛上街:距離同志遊行18日, 尚欠$及義工!!!

1213 驕傲愛上街:距離同志遊行18日, 尚欠$及義工!!!

1213 驕傲愛上街:距離同志遊行18日, 尚欠$及義工!!!

1213 驕傲愛上街:香港同志遊行2008

距離同志遊行18日, 尚欠$30000及80名義工!
香港同志遊行即將於08年12月13日舉行, 我們急需要您的支持, 創造歷史.

** 急需80名義工! **
24/11-12/12: 到同志場所派單張、籌備工作、製作道具
13/12遊行日: 內地及台灣朋友接待(需懂國語)、糾察、攝影、佈置、急救、舞台監督、拍攝錄影
義工報名: 請將你的姓名、電話、電郵、你有空的日期時間、及你願意擔當的工作(如上述那些), 電郵至info@hkpride. net。主題請註明"我係義工"。



** 急需捐款3萬港元製作費! **
預計活動製作費超過5萬元,現在仍需要約3萬元,請捐款支持我們。捐款請存入恆生銀行戶口,289-539272- 001 (戶口名稱 Women Coalition of HKSAR),請電郵info@hkpride. net 寫下姓名及捐款以作紀錄。如蒙贊助任何貨品及服務,亦請電郵我們詳談。


Hong Kong Pride Parade 2008
Celebrate Love

Hong Kong is a cosmopolitan city, so it's not hard to notice LGBTs more openly on the streets, and occasionally you will see them display their affections by publicly holding hands. Do you admire them? Or does that trigger conflicts within you?

Everyone loves their partners with a sense of pride. It's the love between us that makes us proud. Our sexual orientation is not as important as our love.

Every person is born equal and free. If we truly believe that we all have the same human rights to live proudly under the same sun, we can live honestly as our real selves.

Will you live in the shadows of the closet feeling sorry for yourself, or will you march proudly together with us under the rainbow?

Rainbow colors represent accepting diversity and respecting differences. We encourage lesbians, gays, bisexuals, pansexuals, the transgendered, cross dressers, transsexuals, BDSM, queers, peoples of any sexual orientation or gender identification, and straights who respect sexual orientation and gender diversity, regardless of age, race, religion, or physical capability to join us to march on the street for love.

Don't miss the chance to shine, and join us in our Pride Parade.

December 13 Tongzhi March for Love at Causeway Bay East Point Road at 2 pm. See you there!

香港同志遊行 2008籌辦團體

Hong Kong Pride 2008 Organizing Committee
Women Coalition of HKSAR, Rainbow of Hong Kong, Midnight Blue and HKFS Social Movement Resource Centre (smrc autonomous 8a ).

國際特赦組織香港分會、香港十分一會、跨性別資源中心、新婦女協進會、關懷愛滋、民間人權陣線、女同學社、Les Peches、Fruits and Suits、Element
Cooperating/Supporting Organization (Awaiting revision)
Amnesty International Hong Kong, Hong Kong 10% Club, Transgender Resources
Centre, The Association for the Advancement of Feminism, Aids Concern, Civil Human Right Front, Nutongxueshe, Les Peches, Fruits and Suits, Element.

義工 (我們需要100名!)
活動策劃、維持秩序、製作道具、拍攝錄影 (所有義工必須出席義工簡介會,該會於24/11晚上8時在九龍區舉行)
預計活動製作費超過五萬元,請捐款支持我們。捐款請存入恆生銀行戶口,289-539272-001 (戶口名稱 Women Coalition of HKSAR),請電郵info@hkpride.net 寫下姓名及捐款以作紀錄。如蒙贊助任何貨品及服務,亦請電郵我們詳談。
Support Us
Volunteers (We need 100 peoples!)
We need help in overall planning of activities, maintaining order on the day, preparing props, and taking photos and video.
The budget for the day's events is estimated over HK$50,000. To support us financially please deposit your donations to Hang Seng Bank A/C number 289-539272-001 (payable to Women Coalition of HKSAR), and email your name and donated amount to info@hkpride.net for our record. If you would like to donate products and services, please email us for further discussion.
Business partners
Support Hong Kong Pride Parade 2008! We welcome all organisations and shops that support equal opportunities for the LGBT community to join the rank of sponsors. Please contact us via email to sign up.

Organizing Committee is asking for
l 派對合作伙伴:舉辦派對,遊行前後狂歡慶祝,為「香港同志遊行」籌募經費。
Cooperating partners for organizing pre and post parties for Hong Kong Pride Parade and be used as fundraising activities.
l 宣傳網絡伙伴:為「香港同志遊行」傳遞活動訊息。
Publicity Partners to publicize news and information regarding the Hong Kong Pride Parade event.
l 贊助商:為「香港同志遊行」提供經濟和物資資助。
Sponsors: Financial or products for the Hong Kong Pride Parade.
l 遊行花車/電單車:為「香港同志遊行」增添色彩。
Parade car/motorbike: To add colors to the Hong Kong Pride Parade.
l 台前幕後義工:協助宣傳、籌備工作,遊行當日接待、糾察、攝影、佈置、急救、舞台監督……等。
Frontage and backstage volunteers: To assist in publicity, preparation for the event, hosts, marshals, photographers, decoration, first-aid, dancers……
l 遊行終點集會舞台表演者:各類文化藝術演出,釋放真我,表現自我,驕傲自豪,與眾同樂,無任歡迎。
Performers: To perform on stage at the end of the Parade: All type of artistic performance are welcome.
l 捐款,贊助「香港同志遊行」經費。
Donors: Give monetary give in support of the Hong Kong Pride Parade.

Email: info@hkpride.net
Tel: (852)2769-1069