1. 小販歷史 好多故事
「行街市,聽故事」由小販們親自同你講故事,只要按號碼,打電話,就有得聽。(錄音和剪接:梁萬斯、李緯綸和杜亦蔭;技術提供:Stefan White@Mobile Adventure Ltd.)
(研究整理:杜亦蔭 鍾智豪)
2. 街頭智慧 能屈能伸
(研究及繪圖: 梁寶山 梁寶營 香仲華 黃凱琦 姚妙麗 TMDBM)
3. 未來規劃 消滅社區
(攝影:梁萬斯 《市集的「介入」與「旁觀」》)
(創作:梁萬斯 作品位置:「一間」畫廊)
「x 360º」-把市集的十字路口帶到畫廊,以照片作三百六十度重現再加上市集聲音──請你走進這個「市集」,然後問:市集的紀錄,等於市集本身嗎?
(創作:李永倫 作品位置:「一間」畫廊)
(創作:李緯綸 作品位置:「一間」畫廊)
「市集四季」-攝影師在灣仔生活多年,不斷為市集留影,不但因為市集生活無時無刻不盡相同,百看不厭;更因為重建讓社區體無完膚,讓活在其中的人感到切膚之痛。這一系列照片不是市集四季風景,而是攝影師在市集的四季心情。 (創作:伍偉昌 發售位置:「一間」畫廊)
地點: UMA G「一間」畫廊, 香港灣仔聖佛蘭士街12號地下
日期 : 2007年7月21日
時間 : 下午4時至7時
展覽 :
日期 : 2007年7月21日至8月5日
(星期一至日開放, 星期五、六、日設有導賞及講解)
時間 : 上午十時至下午七時
「一間」畫廊UMA G
日期 : 2007年7月21日至8月30日
(星期一至六開放, 星期日及公眾假期休息)
時間 : 上午十時至下午七時
地點: : 太原\交加街市集 (太原街交加街交界)
日期 : 2007年7月28日
時間 : 下午七時
場地3 : 城邦書店, 灣仔軒尼詩道 235 號
日期 : 2007年8月下旬(確切日期待定)
時間 : 上午十時至下午八時
或致電「一間」畫廊 電話:2528 3669
Hong Kong Street Market Festival: Celebration of Street Life !
(Wanchai Station)
(Bendick Leung, The “in” and “out” of the street market)
No cable car, no billboard, no chained store and no air-con, let alone faked heritage and pseudo-collective memory. This is a street market, living and being lived. It provides daily necessities with a bonus of warmth from neighbors and friends. Formed after the Second World War, Wan Chai Street Market has been the cradle of streetwise small business, supporting a diversified economy that encouraged people to be their own bosses. With the hope to propagate this unique Hong Kong culture, some hawkers and young people set up Wan Chai Street Market Concern in early 2007. They have been organizing various actions and now, under the bright summer sun, they gather in the market again, to look closer and think wider. Through photography, sketching and interviewing, they uncover the cultural ecology that is most intimate to but often overseen in our lives. And it is hope that these gems in the street market discovered could anchor the market against the threat of extinction.
Exhibition I:
Getting Street(-Market)-wise: on-site exhibition in Street Market
The south end of Tai Yuen Street
1. His stories, her stories, hawker histories
Hawker histories? Yeah of course, for a community of 79 hawkers there are just countless tales. Ever heard this? Once upon a time, Luen Gu took ferry from Central to Tsim Sha Tsui, and WALKED all the way to Tsuen Wan to get fresh vegetable for sell; And once upon a time, according to Mr. Leung the cloth seller, there were more mice then men on Wan Chai road…don’t miss it or you’ll regret!
Market Walk, Hawker Talk allows you to listen to stories behind the stalls, told by hawkers in their OWN voices!! Dial the number posted and you’ll hear the stories through your mobile.
(Recording and editing: Bendick Leung, Trevor To and Winfred Li; Technical Support: Stefan White @ Mobile Adventures Ltd)
Apart from stories, relationships are also generated. How does the Street Market bring people together and become a community? Street Market Rendezvous and Community Network Study would tell you more about lives in this neighborhood.
(Researchers:Chung Chi Ho & Trevor To)
2. Being streetwise, being reactive".
Hawkers don’t just sit and sell. In order to run all day and cut down cost, hawkers are environmentalists that can make use of anything, from a carton box for packing picked vegetable to a foam box, to build up their little shops. In hot summer, a canopy made of various materials quietly shelters the passage; and for such tiny spaces, there are places for goods but also people. Such organic creative structures are only available in the market.
A Study of Stall is a series of structural drawings prepared by a group of design students. They are not just drawings but structural drawings that shows the wisdom in the tiniest detail, as well as how materials are gathered and the shopper-friendly design. Through this study, the tremendous adaptability in the street market and local cultural economy are analyzed.
(Research and Sketching: Leung Po Ying, Leung Po Shan, Quin Heng Chung Wah, Ian,Wong Hoi Kei, Kady, Chung Chi Ho, Yiu Miu Lai, Joe, TMDBM)
3. A planning that gives no future, Street Market in danger!
Old streets in Wan Chai are getting less and less and new constructions build flyovers to replace them. The straightly monitored residential buildings do not only privatize public spaces but also wipe out diverse business around with different excuses. A city with air-conditioned mall and chain supermarket would only end up with a monopolized economy and a monotone culture. The future of Wan Chai Street Market needs you, please support the preservation of the Street Market!
(Research and organization:Pasty Chau & Carman Ng)
Exhibition II:
Street Market from Different Perspectives
An exhibition of photography and installation (UMA G)
(Bendick Leung, The “in” and “out” of the street market)
The “In” and “Out” of the Street Market ─A “street market” is not equal to the hawkers, stalls, stories and images of it nor the sum of all these. It is a collletive space that brings different lives together and let connections grow, forming a community and a neighborhood. Confronted with such a rich and thick reality, the photographer walks in street market life with his camera, not to record the mere reality on surface but the essence deep down. And he could never walk out—as he has already become a member in the community. (Artist:Bendick Leung)
x 360º-This is an honest representation of the cross road in the market: capturing the
scene at 360º and with the market noise recorded. Please come to this “Street Market”, together with the question: is a record of the Street Market equal to the market itself?
(Artist:Arnold Li)
A photo sequence of stall-opening-a stall is made by numerous pieces, and to put these pieces together does not only require knowledge but also experience. And it is in life that such order of arrangement forms as well as the aesthetics of the Street Market.
(Artist:Winfred Li)
Four Seasons-The photographers has been living in Wan Chai for years and he has not stopped taking photo of the Street Market. It’s not only because one won’t get tired of the vibrant beauty of the market, but the process of urban renewal destroys the community here and there and makes people living in it bleed in their hearts. These are no scenery of the Market in four seasons, but the photographer’s sentiment in the market.
(Artist:Stanley Ng)
III Special event:PhotoDialogue: photo and stories sharing on street
No collective memory but life at THIS very moment. Participants of the workshop PhotoDialogue, including hawkers and outsiders, would share their Wan Chai Street Market with you at the crisscross of the market.
Time:28th July, 7pm
Venue:The intersection of Tai Yuen street and Cross street
In order to arouse more awareness of the Street Market issue in the public, there would be a list of questions for the exhibition and anybody who get all correct answers would be given a souvenir. At the same time a signature campaign would be held to ask for your help! Concern group members would be at the site and everyone is welcome to come and chat.
The next site for Hong Kong Street Market Cultural Festival would be in Central!
Details would be announced later.
First Phase:
Opening Ceremony
Venue: UMA G, 12 St. Francis street, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
Date : 21 July, 2007
Time : 4-7pm
Exhibition :
Venue 1:
Wan Chai Street Market, Tai Yuen street and Cross Street, Wan Chai (near 38 Tai Yuen Street)
Date : 21 July -5 Aug, 2007
(Open from Mon-Sun, with guided tour provided on Fri, Sat and Sun)
Time : 10am-7pm
Venue 2:
12 St. Francis street, Wan Chai
Hong Kong
Date: 21 July -5 Aug, 2007
(Open from Mon to Sat, close on Sun and public holiday)
Time :10am to 7pm
Special Event:
PhotoDialogue: photo and stories sharing on street:
Venue: the crisscross in Wan Chai Street Market
Date : 28 July, 2007
Time : 7pm
2nd Phase:
Venue : Citié, 235 Hennessey Road, Wan Chai
Date : Late August, 2007 (to be announced)
Time : 10am -8pm
Maggie Leung (member of Wan Chai Street Market Concern)
mobile:90349016 (press only)
About Wan Chai Street Market Concern
Wan Chai Street Market Concern is founded in January 2007 by a group of people who care about the existence of the street market. In the past few months, the concern group has arranged visit to the new market building; collected their opinions and write to the government. Signature campaign was also held with more than a thousand signatures received; and to organize Street Market tour for the public to tell people about the issue and its significance.
Patsy Chau
Edmond Chui
Chung Chi Ho
Heng Chung Wah, Ian
Arnold Lee
Bendick Leung
Anthony Leung Po-shan
Leung Po Ying, Quin
Li Wai Lun, Winfred
Maggie Leung
Carmen Ng
Ng Wai-cheong, Stanley
Ngok Yuen Wing [Ronald]
Trevor To
Joe Yiu
Kady Wong
主辦Presented by:
協辦Co-presented by:
一間畫廊UMAG Gallery
全力支持Fully supported by:
Mobile Adventure Ltd