
聯署: 保留愛丁堡廣場建築群為古蹟

聯署: 保留愛丁堡廣場建築群為古蹟

聯署: 保留愛丁堡廣場建築群為古蹟
Petition: Preserving Edinburgh Place as a Monument (For English summary, see below and attached pdf file; To sign petition: http://www.gopetition.com/online/31746.html)

「中環新海濱」發展計劃不斷的侵食原有的市民空間 (civic space),將之轉化為商業、軍事、道路及無法使用的「視覺公共空間」。為了保衛愛丁堡廣場建築群作為中環海濱僅餘的、具有歷史及文化價值而又代表市民的公共空間,一群關心歷史文化傳承、本土文化及公共空間的保育人士發動了一個新的聯署活動,要求古物諮詢委員會立即展開「愛丁堡廣場建築群」的公開評級會議,除了把愛丁堡廣場建築群評級為一級歷史建築物之外,更應進一步建議發展局把它指定為古蹟。因為,如果不指定為古蹟,下場就跟皇后碼頭一樣,即使被評為一級歷史建築物,都很難避免被拆遷的命運。

以下的聯署文件是由文化傳承監察起草,希望所有關心的「個人」或「團體」到以下網址聯署支持: http://www.gopetition.com/online/31746.html

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「保留愛丁堡廣場建築群為古蹟」之文件摘要 (全文見附件 pdf 檔)
文化傳承監察(Heritage Watch)
9 November 2009




A. 建立香港第一個法定歷史和文化景觀,使香港不致落後於當前的國際和國家物質文化遺產保護標準。

B. 「歷史景觀」或「重要文化景觀」的概念已被具權威性的古物保護標準所採用,如巴拉憲章。多個不同國家和城市,包括紐約,中國,台灣和澳門已經將之付諸實行,如澳門的歷史城區。這反映有形文化遺產保護不局限於個別建築,它可以是一個地、群集的建築、景觀,甚至一個地區。古物諮詢委員會的現行做法多更宣布個別的建築物為古蹟或歷史建築物,但根據古物古蹟條例(Cap.53)允許委員會宣布地方和建築物為古蹟或歷史建築。愛丁堡建築群的獨特和富有意義性,為香港建立第一個歷史和文化景觀提供了揳機。

C. 據聯合國教科文組織亞洲太平洋地區文化顧問恩格爾哈特(Richard Engelhardt)所言,「保存城市形態肌理和活化公共空間的重要性已超越建築物保存的位置,成為發展商、政治人物、和大眾最重視的保育議題。如果沒有保存城市原有的結構形態,市民及遊客將無法閱讀城市的歷史肌理,更無法理解其它[單棟建築物]的保育工作。」

D. 愛丁堡建築群具對香港有極重大的歷史和文化價值,而它也符合古物諮詢委員會對歷史建築的9個擬議歷史主題中的6個,如下:








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Summary “Preserving Edinburgh Place as a Monument”
Heritage Watch
9 Novermber 2009

Purpose and Boundary

This petition urges AAB to confer Edinburgh Place Grade I status as Historic Landscape of Cultural Significance and to pursue this to be declared a Monument. Edinburgh Place and its defining structures include Edinburgh Square, Queen’s Pier, the Dias, the City Hall complex and Memorial Garden, the Star Ferry and the Star Ferry Car Park.

Significance of the Complex and Arguments

A. Declare the first historical and cultural landscape in Hong Kong in line with prevailing international and national standards of tangible cultural heritage conservation.

B. The concept of “historical landscape”, or “landscape of significant cultural important” has been introduced in authoritative conservation standards, like the Burra Charter and is used by various countries and cities, including New York, China, Taiwan and Macau (e.g. Historic Centre of Macao). Conserving tangible cultural heritage is not restricted to individual buildings but can be a site, a cluster of buildings, a landscape and even a district. The current practice of AAB has been to declare monuments and historical buildings individually, however, the Antiques and Monuments Ordinance (Cap.53) allows declaring a place, building or site as a monument. The uniqueness and signification of Edinburgh Place may lead to the establishment of first historical and cultural landscape in the urban area of Hong Kong.

C. According to Richard Engelhardt, UNESCO Regional Adviser for Culture in Asia and the Pacific, “[f]irst of all, even more than the preservation of buildings, the preservation of the urban morphology and the revitalisation of public space has become the most important conservation issue for developers, politicians, and the public alike. Without the preservation of the original structural skeleton of the town, the historic urban fabric will be unreadable and all other conservation efforts will be incomprehensible to the residents and visitors alike.”

D. The Complex has significant historical and cultural values for Hong Kong at territorial level and it matches 6 out of 9 themes under AAB’s grading principles for Historical Buildings:

1st : Establishment of Colonial Rule and Maintenance of Social Stability, Law & Order
Edinburgh Place, including Queen’s Pier, the Dias and the City Hall marked the arrival of Governors and members of the British royal family. The place has been used to hold ceremonies including the opening of the legal year by the Judiciary. Besides, the first vote-counting for District Boards and Urban Council and Legislative Council elections took place here.

2nd : Social and cultural significance for HK at territorial level
The Complex is a recognized landmark used by the public since 1950s and a cradle of cultural identity with the start of social movements, including the Star Ferry Pier demonstrations in the 1960s and the Protect Diaoyutai Movement Pier in 1970s. Edinburgh Place has perpetuated the community’s collective memory with numerous milestone events and as the location for – famous and less famous - films, music videos and marriage photographs.

3rd: Significantly important of “Economic Activities in the Colonial Period”
It served as an exhibition place for Hong Kong export products and trade fairs.

4th: Significantly important in Social Development of the Colony
It provided a place for social gatherings by people from all nations, social backgrounds and sexes. Both wealthy and ordinary Chinese people enjoyed memorable times in Edinburgh Place including its public space, exhibitions hall, restaurants, and library.

5th: Significantly important for Educational reform in the Colonial times
Social protests leading to subsequent reforms including Protests of the Chinese Language Movement and Protests to demand the re-opening of the Precious Blood Golden Jubilee School also took place at Edinburgh Place.

6th: Demonstrated cultural diversity in Hong Kong
The various services provided in City Hall and the various public spaces shape Edinburgh Place as a centre for all walks of life, including migrant workers holding social gatherings, and political functions, local workers enjoying their lunch boxes, and students and social leaders holding functions at City Hall.

Way Forward

Given the historic happenings which took place and the many footprints left behind by people from Hong Kong and abroad, Edinburgh Place has become a landscape of great significance in the development of Hong Kong and its people. Conferring a Grade I status of the Edinburgh Place Complex is the first step in declaring this entire “historical landscape” a monument.

To sign the petition as individuals or groups, please go to : http://www.gopetition.com/online/31746.html