



八月三十一日,全國人民代表大會常務委員會正式就香港政改前途一槌定音,是次的政改框架 - 維持四大界別的小圈子提名委員會、將候選人數限制於兩至三個以及把提名門檻由八分一升至過半數;這美其名的一人一票「普選」,在經過小圈子篩選下,香港人根本無法在特首選舉中享有真正的選擇權利,與普選所提倡的自由意志選擇完全相違背。面對獲得廣泛民意支持的公民提名,中央政府卻選擇繼續對港人的民主訴求裝聾作啞,對真普選全面落閘,我們對此深感遺憾和憤怒。我們強烈譴責中央政府公然違反《中英聯合聲明》中的莊嚴承諾,並執意在普選問題上逆行倒施。我們認為此舉非但無法促進社會和諧及進步,反而會進一步加劇社會撕裂,令香港陷入更深的社會危機。

眼見港人陷入孤立無援之境,我們於心不忍。身為土生土長的香港人,我們不能視若無睹;身為社會的一份子,我們不能獨善其身;身為學生,社會未來的棟樑,我們責無旁貸。如今香港同儕毅然奮起抗爭,發動罷課運動,儘管身處海外的我們力量微不足道,但我們絕不能,亦不會冷眼旁觀。 我們希望透過一連串聲援行動,讓參與罷課運動的同學們知道,你們在這條抗爭路上並不孤單。在這歷史的分水嶺,為了自己、為了香港、為了下一代, 我們都必須勇敢面對,擔負起歷史給我們的重責,為捍衛香港民主與自由盡一份力。

僅借此函集合海外香港人的聲音, 向香港行政長官以及其特區政府表達我們的訴求。我們期望特區政府能夠由行動印證自己對人民公僕這個身份的定義,切實履行「為香港特別行政區服務」的誓詞。


二)取消小圈子篩選,落實符合「國際標準」的真普選 ;



Today, our heart thumps together with our homeland

On the 31st of August, 2014, the standing committee of the National People’s Congress have officially announced the framework for Hong Kong’s scheduled political reform. The framework not only reinforces false-democratic nomination over public elections but also tightens up the HKSAR Chief Executive nomination threshold from requiring one-eighth of the committee’s votes to over half of the committee’s support, before allowing rightful Hongkonger to decide their Chief Executive within the nominees. Under this framework, there is no possible ways can a Hongkonger enjoy their deserved rights, and while our people have spoken out, the government have regretfully chosen to neglected their voices. We, as overseas townsmen of Hong Kong, are strongly offended and in awe of what have happened. We are with no choice but must condemn PRC for their public violation against the “Joint Declaration” and how they yearns to depress Hong Kong’s progress on achieving any true democratic political development. We are deeply concerned as these acts will not bring harmony and advance to our society, but only chaos and danger.

Righteous Hongkongers are furious after witnessing what have happened to our homeland; while us, as students, as the pillars of the future society, moreoverly ought to step up to our responsibilities and protect our homeland. Today, our family and friends at home are exhausting themselves in order to reject the unfair and dishonest; and we must not, and will not, absent ourselves from them. What we will do, and must do, is to reinforce our homeland’s roar for freedom. Now is the critical moment for our homeland’s future, and we need to equip ourselves with what it takes, to defend democracy - either for ourselves, for Hong Kong, for our descendants, or all of the above reasons.

We wish, through this joint petition, to unite voices of
overseas Hongkonger and speak our demands io the HKSAR government. We expect to see our government to awake from its identity as the public servant, and conscientiously serve the HKSAR as they have oathed to and in front of the people.
We hereby too appeal to the masses to firmly reject the political reform framework provided by the standing committee of the National People’s Congress, and repeatedly urge both governments of HKSAR and PRC to:

1. Withdraw the proposed political reform framework immediately in order to abide ‘Hong Kong people administering Hong Kong’ and ‘High degrees of autonomy’, as was promised.

2. Abrogate any forms of candidate pre-screening so that honest and international-standard complying universal suffrage can be practised

3. Abolish the current functional constituency in order to allow the Legislative Council reform, ultimately endorse direct ballot for all seats.

By all those who have co-signed this petition
22nd of September, 2014
