編按:數十位少數族裔香港居民昨天發起聯署,希望市民不要因為 10月22日,有巴基斯坦裔男子襲擊佔領旺角人士,而認為所有少數族裔也是暴力份子。聯署者對社群內個別人士的行為感到震驚和慚愧。他們譴責暴力、怯懦及可恥的行為,支持雨傘運動,也參與雨傘運動,始終視香港為家。
Ethnic Minorities: Hong Kong is Our Home –
Condemn violence! Oppose manipulation! No racial prejudice!
(請往下瀏覽中文版聲明 Please scroll down for Chinese)
We are a group of first, second and third generation ethnic minorities who have lived in Hong Kong throughout the 80s and 90s, both during British rule and after the handover. We have seen changes throughout our time in Hong Kong, but for most of us, we have remained on the margins of society as second class citizens, with many prejudices against us and numerous government policies that ignore or harm us. But still time and time again we have persevered; we fall down but somehow slowly pick ourselves up again. We have faced challenges in our lives in school, at work and even within our neighborhoods and communities, but nonetheless Hong Kong is still our home. Many of our parents are immigrants who felt secluded from Hong Kong society, coming here to make a living before returning to their homelands. Even though they have contributed to Hong Kong’s workforce and economic progress, they never felt fully accepted and were always seen as foreigners, just another group of migrant workers.
But we were born and raised here.
Little did our parents realize or foresee that the children they raised in Hong Kong would call only this city as their home, and no place else - that they would see this place as their future, and that they would see themselves as Hong Kongers and not belonging to their parents’ motherlands.
As we pass the one month mark of the Umbrella Movement, we are proud to have stood with our fellow Hong Kongers from the start. We have marched through these streets every night, held discussions, sung songs, shared food, helped clean and shared our culture and art to promote democracy. By being there, by marching there, by supporting them – these Hong Kongers who have stayed days and nights, through wind, rain, humidity and heat - we have given them a huge lift in spirits, a morale boost. Locals and expats alike ask us one thing: Why do you care? What’s in it for you? Why call yourselves Hong Kongers when all along, you have been marginalized by these very same people?
Our answer is simple. No matter what the struggles, pain and disappointment we felt throughout our time in Hong Kong, we feel as much pride in this city and its values as anyone else. We have been part of Hong Kong throughout its history; we continue to contribute to an economically strong and free Hong Kong. If today we don’t stand with our fellow Chinese brothers and sisters in the fight to safeguard our liberty, values and rights, then when else can we do so? We as much as them have a stake in Hong Kong. This is our city as much as theirs; we are worried as much as them. We are not fighting together just for today but for tomorrow, for the future and for the generations ahead. We Hong Kongers have tasted freedom and we can’t just suddenly be programmed to accept less. In the true spirit of Hong Kong, we will overcome these obstacles, just as we have overcome numerous financial tsunamis and economic downturns, the SARS epidemic, the pre-handover uncertainty, the threat of national education, the danger of Article 23 and many more hurdles. We shall overcome!
Last but not least, we, the ethnic minority youth of Hong Kong, the truly locally-raised ones, the ones with true Hong Kong values instilled in us, are shocked and ashamed of the behavior of certain individuals from our community. Mr. Mohammed Aslam’s case is one of the few isolated incidents, sensationalized by the unfortunately biased media. We are sadly and painfully associated with such shameful individuals, when we have done nothing wrong, when we have given up so much of our time and energy to be with the movement daily. We are ashamed of the ethnic minority groups who are sweet-talked into joining anti-democracy movements by political groups or parties who say they support the ethnic minorities, but who in reality cheat, betray and ignore us in our times of need.
Unfortunately, many ethnic minorities are in such vulnerable economic situations that they have no choice but to join these movements, not knowing that in the long run that they will be most affected by the loss of Hong Kong’s freedoms. They often do not know that the Umbrella Movement is for everyone in Hong Kong - them included. We stand together as true local ethnic minority Hong Kongers to condemn such violent, cowardly and shameful acts, and to emphasize that these few, isolated cases do not represent the majority of the ethnic minority community.
We plead with the general public and media not to jump to conclusions about ethnic minorities from these incidents, not to form biased thoughts or ideas about ethnic minorities, such as believing that we are all blue ribbon supporters or that we are violent people only there for the money. We will say it now, and we will say it later. We are Hong Kongers, and we will stand with the Umbrella Movement, with the students and with the public until the end. No matter what the result, we will say it again: Hong Kong will be a stronger and more unified city, because this movement has awoken our spirits.
Ansah Malik
Jeffrey Andrew
Sunny Shezhad
11th November 2014
少數族裔 同根同生
最後而同樣重要的是,我們 — 香港少數族裔的年輕一代 —本地成長、真正擁抱香港價值的一群,對我們社群內個別人士的行為感到震驚和慚愧!穆罕默德.阿士林 (Mr. Mohammed Aslam)先生的個案只是少數受到偏頗媒體渲染的個別事件。對此等可恥人士,我們羞與為伍。我們並沒犯錯,反倒傾注最大的心力和時間每日參與運動。我們對那些聽信甜言蜜語而加入某些政黨團體舉辦的反民主運動的少數族裔組織感到羞愧。那些政黨和團體聲稱支持少數族裔,而實際上在我們有需要的時候,卻欺騙、出賣及漠視我們。
不幸地,很多少數族裔在經濟上處於劣勢,別無選擇下加入該等運動,而不知長遠來說當香港自由淪亡,他們自己將會受害至深。他們常不理解雨傘運動為的是香港每一個人 ― 包括他們。作為真正的少數族裔香港人,我們一同站出來讉責此等暴力、怯懦及可恥的行為,並且強調這些少數而個別的個案並不代表主流的少數族裔社群。
Ansah Malik
Jeff Andrew
Sunny Shezhad
1. Angbuhang Bashant Sean
2. Kamaljit Kaur
3. Himali Subba
4. Azir Khan
5. Polina Fox
6. Mohamed Shakoor
7. Ali Mohamed
8. Khan Kashif Manawar
9. Abeer Tafazzul
10. Kamran Butt
11. Keran Hayat
12. Arianne Baldesimo
13. ali hassan
14. aliza ali
15. shakeel ahmad
16. THAPA Club
17. Gurung mikki
18. Beemu Tamang
19. suman gurung
20. Deepen Nebhwani
21. Li Lap Chi Iglesias
22. Avtar Abdullah Muhammad
23. Mohammad Waqas Butt
24. Gurung Moshami
25. Adil Mehmood
26. Noel leung
27. Dominique Allado
28. khan benny
29. Limbu, Jarman Hang
30. Manasa Prabhakar
31. Raksha Baniya
32. Prakash Punjabi
33. Nargis Shafqat
34. Arjumand Baseer naveed
35. Tauqir Ahmad
36. tenzin bantawa
37. malla sher bahadur
38. Rai Manjila
39. Mousam Shrestha
40. Aiden Barun Gurung
41. Amit Thapa
42. Yakthungba Biplab
43. Raj Tiwari
44. Rai Angelo
45. Grace Dela Cruz
46. Manjila Rai
47. shyam Ingnam
48. Sonia mirza
49. Gurung Sanju Maya
50. Renu Hiro Dalani
51. RAI, Anjal
52. Neil Tiwari