中共不肯放過劉曉波係因其另立憲法,可為建國獨立基礎,威脅中共統治。劉曉波對香港的啟示係任何政治運動須有本經,而香港x派未有建國方略; 劉氏著作《統一就是奴役》主張中國解體,接受西方殖民三百年,尊重香港、西藏、臺灣等地住民自決,令香港的獨派有了道德根據。劉曉波、余杰、陳光誠,等義士畢竟係中國大陸人極少部份,中國共產黨其實得到絕大部份中國大陸人支持,故大中華主義者主張香港人聯合中國大陸人抗共,建設民主中國,不切實際。香港近年覺醒的人比例遠超於中國,但仍淪落至此,相信由於賣港人士同時太多及社運團體內鬥過劇。香港要自治自立,就要普及政治知識,教全民覺醒。劉曉波一介文人,只是著書立說,並無掟磚,都被中共摧殘至死,可見泛民和理非非抗爭無用,然而,主動要求永遠延續中共統治香港之權,遇到挫折就退出社運,何嘗不和理非?本土運動,反抗極權,無論獨立與否,都要靠老中青三結合,正如電影《十年》及《明月幾時有》所暗示。
劉曉波同時尊重香港、西藏、臺灣等地住民自決,令香港x派倍添道德力量。 劉曉波《如果統一就是奴役》:「二戰後,現代文明的一條重要原則就 是「住民自決」,它是由個人自由乃天賦人權的價值觀中引申出來的,並得到最權威的國際組織聯合國承認。在此一原則下,任何統一的達成和民族衝突的解決,皆不是取決於強勢一方的武力強制,而是取決於少數民族的自願選擇。。。如果統一只能意味著強制和奴役,那就寧可不要這樣的統一。具體到兩岸關係,象臺灣這樣在事實上已經脫離大陸本土一百年的地區,能否最終回歸大陸,應該完全尊重臺灣民眾的自由選擇。」
十七世紀法國哲學家萬斯特(Joseph de Maistre) 話,有怎樣的民族,就有怎樣的政府(法文“Toute nation a le gouvernement qu’elle mérite.”)(邁斯特其實反對啟蒙運動,係堅定保皇黨)。美國國父富蘭克林道: 唯有賢德的民族方能獲得自由; 貪汚陰毒的民族需要奴隸主奴役。十六世紀法國哲學家寶諦的自願臣服論(Etienne De La Boetie: Discourse on Voluntary Servitude 〔1548〕)
指出任何暴政,如無國人默許,必不能生存。「暴政摧殘人民的力量完全來自人民。人民不提供耳目,暴政如何能監視人民?如果人民不供應武器,暴政如何有武器鎮壓人民?無人民合作,暴政怎敢襲擊人民?愛因斯坦話,世界並非毀於惡事做盡的奸徒,而係毀於袖手旁觀惡發生的花生友。」歷史學家伊凡思(Richard Evans)二零一五年著作《歷史記憶中之第三帝國》引述九十年代一項調查,顯示希特拉當年得到九成德國人支持; 左翼德國歷史學家高慈·阿理(Götz Ally)總結希特拉並非靠暴力維持權力,而係靠民心。
Liu Xiao Bo's Death and Hong Kong's Rebirth
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) would not release Liu Xiao Bo until his death, mainly because he had drafted a new "constitution" (the Charter 08 manifesto), which could form a basis for building a new independent nation, thereby posing a threat to the CCP rule. What Hongkongers can learn from Liu is that any serious political campaign needs a canon, whilst the Hong Kong independence camp does not have a nation-building plan yet. Liu Xiao Bo's work, Unification is Enslavement, advocates China's disintegration and colonization by the West for at least three hundred years. Liu respects the right of Hong Kong, Tibet, Taiwan, etc. to self-determination, thus providing the independence camp of Hong Kong with an additional moral ground.
According to reliable surveys, e.g. "A Chinese Popularity Function, Sources of Government Support" published in April, 2013 in Political Research Quarterly, the CCP in fact enjoys the support of most Mainland Chinese. According to Etienne De La Boetie's (1548) "Discourse on Voluntary Servitude" , the tyrant has "nothing more than the power that you confer upon him to destroy you. Where has he acquired enough eyes to spy upon you, if you do not provide them yourselves? How would he dare assail you if he had no cooperation from you?" Since the 1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre, most Mainland Chinese survivors of the Cultural Revolution with a conscience have been eliminated. The great majority of the rest of the population have formed a symbiotic union with the CCP. They engage themselves in all sorts of corrupt and horrifying acts in order to make money. They unscrupulously cash in on the coming millennium's natural resources of China. Righteous human right activists, like Liu Xiao Bo, Chen Guangcheng, and Yu Jie, after all, constitute only a tiny, tiny portion of the Mainland Chinese population.
So it is impracticable to advocate that Hongkongers unite with Mainland Chinese so as to construct a democratic China in defiance of the CCP. Although the proportion of woken-up Hongkongers is much higher that of China-people, Hong Kong has still declined drastically. This is probably due to the fact that there are too many traitors to Hong Kong and that the internal struggles of the anti-CCP camp are too intense. In order for Hong Kong to achieve self-autonomy, political knowledge has to be spread widely and the entire city must wake up.
As a mere man of letters, what Liu did was just writing essays and books to express his opinions. He never threw any bricks. But still he was persecuted by the CCP to death. It can thus be seen that the pan-democrats' strategy of peaceful, rational, non-violent and non-abusive language struggle is of little use. On the other hand, isn't taking the initiative to request the CCP to permanently extend the Basic Law and withdrawing from social activism when encountered with defeat also pusillanimous and futile?
The localist movement and resistance of tyranny, whether aiming at independence or not, require the older and the younger generations to unite together, as shown by Kiwi Chow's (2016) localist movie, Ten Years, and Ann Hui's (2017) film, Our Time will Come. In the former, a elderly lady burns herself in order to protest China's ruthless oppression of Hongkongers. In the latter, during the occupation of Hong Kong by Japan in the 1940s, a senile mother takes the place of her daughter in smuggling leaflets for the anti-Japs guerrillas. When she is caught by the Japanese gendarmerie, she remains silent under torture, in order to protect her comrades. She is then executed. Many critics and audience interpret Japanese colonization of Hong Kong as symbolizing China's recolonization of Hong Kong. And the author of this article thinks that the senile mother represents the more mature generation of Hong Kong making up their mind to sacrifice themselves for the sake of the younger generation, in the face of increasing pressure from Beijing. In a word, with the Hong Kong communist government arbitrarily disqualifying dissident law-makers and with China disavowing the Sino-British Joint Declaration, the salvation of Hong Kong relies on an organic combination of the passion and momentum of the young and the experience, wisdom and finance of the mature.