我知道最近,Windows Vista 的廣告氣勢如虹,覆蓋大大小小雜誌的封面,我猜微軟在這宣傳攻勢上面花了不少工夫、不少金錢。不過,便是那舖天蓋地的鱔稿攻勢下,大概依然未有人告訴你︰
(1) Vista 為甚麼耗用這麼多電腦硬體資源?
(2) Vista 如何搶奪你對電腦的自主權?
(3) Vista 之外,還有甚麼選擇?
這是一個由「自由軟件基金會 (Free Software Foundation)」搞的運動,目的是清算 Vista 的種種不是,讓各位在完全資訊之下,再做一個選擇。
作者 John Sullivan — posted at 2006-12-15 15:51 最近修改 2006-12-15 15:51
Boston, MA—December 15, 2006—The Free Software Foundation (FSF) today launched BadVista.org, a campaign with a twofold mission of exposing the harms inflicted on computer users by the new Microsoft Windows Vista and promoting free software alternatives that respect users' security and privacy rights.
“Vista is an upsell masquerading as an upgrade. It is an overall regression when you look at the most important aspect of owning and using a computer: your control over what it does. Obviously MS Windows is already proprietary and very restrictive, and well worth rejecting. But the new 'features' in Vista are a Trojan Horse to smuggle in even more restrictions. We'll be focusing attention on detailing how they work, how to resist them, and why people should care”, said FSF program administrator John Sullivan.
The campaign will organize supporters into effective and unusual actions drawing attention to this daylight theft of computer users' rights, aggregate news stories cutting through the Vista marketing propaganda, and provide a user-friendly gateway to the adoption of free software operating systems like gNewSense (http://www.gnewsense.org).
Peter Brown, executive director of the FSF said, “Whilst Microsoft embarks upon its largest ever product launch, its marketing dollars will be spent in an effort to fool the media and user community about the goals of Vista. Our campaign will ask the important questions. Can you set yourself or your company free? Can you ever be free from Microsoft? As with our campaign against Digital Restrictions Management, we aim to demonstrate that technologists can be social activists, because we know the harm that Vista will cause”.
Among other harms, BadVista.org will focus on the danger posed by Treacherous Computing in Vista. Commonly called Trusted Computing in the industry, it is an attempt to turn computers from machines controlled by their user into machines that monitor their user and refuse to operate in ways that manufacturers don't authorize.
Supporters can sign up to receive more information and participate in the campaign at http://badvista.org.
在你把電腦升級到 Windows Vista 之前,請考慮清楚。