Statement of a group of university scholars on the assault on peaceful demonstrators in Mongkok
On the incident of assault on peaceful demonstrators and citizens in Mongkok, we strongly condemn the violence of the perpetrators, and strongly demand the police, as public servants, instead of watching violence inflicted on peaceful protestors, to do its utmost to arrest the perpetrators, and defend the freedom of assembly of citizens as well as the personal safety of peaceful demonstrators.
Furthermore, we urge the HKSAR government to respond with immediate action to the democratic demands of the citizens in order to resolve the current social crisis.
許寶強 嶺南大學
黄洪 中文大學
馬嶽 中大政治與行政學系
應亮 香港演藝學院電影電視學院
陳成斌 恒生管理學院
丁南僑 香港大學
李小良 嶺南大學
周保松 中文大學
黃偉國 香港浸會大學
張南峰 嶺南大學
陳允中 嶺南大學
吳俊雄 香港大學社會學
蔡玉萍, 香港中文大學
黃海濤 香港城市大學
謝曉虹 香港浸會大學
周家輝 香港教育學院
黃昌榮 香港浸會大學
張海活 香港理工大學香港專上學院
何萬寳 城市大學專上學院
楊區麗潔 香港大學
鄭佩芸 香港中文大學
謝曉虹 香港浸會大學
歐陽檉 香港大學
趙善軒 明愛專上學院
Chi Chung LAM, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Yiu Fai Chow, hong kong baptist university.
Max Deutsch The University of Hong Kong
Maurice Benayoun City University of Hong Kong
Daniel C. Howe, City University of Hong Kong
Keith Lin, Polyu Hong Kong Community College
Anita Chi-Kwan Lee, Tung Wah College
Chris Fraser, University of Hong Kong
HOYNG Rolien Susanne, Lingnan University
Dr Dan Robins, University of Hong Kong
Jason Man-bo Ho, Community College of City University
Timothy O'Leary, University of Hong Kong
John Erni, Hong Kong BU
Lee Wing Ki, Academy of visual arts Hkbu
Ip Yuk-Yiu, City University of Hong Kong
Edward Yiu Chung Yim, Chinese University of Hong Kong
David McCarthy, University of Hong Kong
Wilson Wong, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Derek Baker, Lingnan University
Murat Es, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Lusina Ho, University of Hong Kong
Lam Ho Yin , Hong Kong lnstitution of Technology
Chad Hansen, University of Hong Kong
Gyorgy Ali Palos, City University of Hong Kong
Wai Ching Chung, HK Baptist University
WY Kimburley Choi, City University of Hong Kong
Jamin Asay, Hong Kong University
Hui Nga Shu, Rita , City University of Hong Kong
Yvonne Yau, Lingnan University
NG Wing Fai Stanley, Town Planner
Paul Zimmerman, District Councilor