People to people, Heart to heart
(To help directly to the victims of nargit cyclone hit , Myanmar)
Dear, friends
How can I say-------, this is so touched my heart _firstly we think its going to be ok, its going
to be under control, but the real face is_very very miserable confusing now we get, because after
cyclone was hit, Myanmar junta government is made take action very delay and they do just for a
litter with there mans like movie star acting, so the final result is
1. so many people are hungry and wet daily.
2. most of people are crying and shock for there life.
3. all of victims are very very difficult to get there original situation.
4. all of victims are lost for there future life
5 most of children are lost there parents
6 the international aids are still coming, why the victims are din't get.
7 This is really national crisis, so many problem are still coming.
8 Junta government press to do, most of victims must going back to there place, because 24th of this month, they made referendum again for affected area.(but there is no place for most of victims, they lost there houses and also there villages.)
9 All of paddy fields are damage, because of salty water are come in.
10 There are still some affected area, nobody can't touch.(now the raining season is start, very hard to going )
So, now, most of local people are helping quickly what they can, as directly to the victims(here, that is the only very surely and safely effective way. Myanmar junta government announce they want all of local and international aids to give to victims[we known, most of victims are did not get aids from government, they get from mostly local donors]), but that is just a few drop of rain to fill in the ocean, and we are shock when we known/hear the standing of Asean, they telling the same like junta government,(its means does not help to Myanmar people).so, now hours by hours, day by day pass, most of victims are nearly going to dead/trouble.
What we need_
1. Encouragement, Massages.
2. Think yourself, which way to be help very effectively and safely.(mean, most of our people din't trust Myanmar junta government, most of aids they keep)
1. The situation is still big trouble, we need a lot of international rescue workers as soon as possible.(if junta government did not give visa, please try all the way you
think/known/can.).because very big raining season is coming.
2. Think, the way to be made exhibition, ceremony, fund show, art presentation an so on_..(at where you are), as remembrance of victims who are dead in cyclone hit (UN approximately mention est. over 150000 people are dead,2.5 millions of people are lost they job, life and all they get)
3. Pray for us,(whoever you believe in whatever religions)
4. Press your/all of governments, get deeply concern and made hardly press to Myanmar junta government, to get, directly help to victims of nargis cyclone hit and to free Myanmar people(all of people mind are nearly dead since last 60 years ago).
5. Build mini fund group and collect donation from all of your friends.
6. As human being our people must have a chance to get human right/freedom in fully, as other people who are living on earth.(help, whatever you can)
7. when we face to very big trouble as disaster, junta government is doing force to made agree sign from people, for there national constitution, finally they announce 92.4% are agreed, not
included affected area at the time of 10.5.1008(after 7 day of cyclone hit)
8. When you get donations, please try to give directly to the victims, (you can give NGOs but, in here, all of NGOs are must join together with government, they should pay half of they get to
government sides).and other way, you should fine the nearest friends of Myanmar, to send all of aid/goods to Myanmar country as soon as possible in safely ways.
9. This big happen will take nearly 5 years and more.(most of victims are lost there mind and hope.)
Finally, we want to ring the bell to the world, so please resend this massage to all of your friends who are living end of the world. we must inform in several time. keep in touch by heart .
Very best regards