



小童群益會協辦同志友善活動「一點粉紅」而遭受惡意抨擊,家計會亦被牽涉其中。兩間機構被指支持同志平權,為兒童帶來不良影響,呼籲學校和家長杯葛該機構的活動。我們對此感到相當震驚!為聲援小童群益會繼續以堅定立場為同志青少年及其家庭提供支援服務,我們特意成立「堅守社工信念,守護同志服務」專頁,並發起「舉手撐同志 Goodbye to 歧視」行動,誠邀對同志友善的你與身邊的家人、朋友一起參與。


1. 人生而平等,每個人不論性傾向均有愛與被愛的權利。
2. 我們不需要恐懼同性戀,我期望人與人之間可以接納大家的異同。
3. 我尊重他人生活方式的自由 ,不希望同志承受不必要的壓力。
4. 對同志友善是我經過獨立思考而作出的決擇。
5. 我期望下一代不會因為性傾向遭受歧視。

面對外間種種無理的抨擊,我們拒絕以罵戰的方式回應,只希望以愛守護小眾,支持機構繼續以堅定的立場守護同志服務,讓同志青少年與其家長得到適切的支援。 如果你認同我們對社會工作專業的理念,請響應我們。

除了以上Facebook專頁的「舉手撐同志 Goodbye-to-歧視」行動,也可支持聯署。如有團體希望聯署,歡迎發電郵至 [email protected]



Dear friends,

The “Uphold Social Work Values, Support LGBTQ Services” Action Group is founded by a group of social workers who believe in human equality and social justice.

Recently the Boys’ and Girls’ Clubs Association (BGCA) has come under attack due to its plan to support “Pink Dot Hong Kong”, an event that promotes inclusiveness of people with different sexuality. Both BGCA and the Family Planning Association were accused by a number of conservatives of “siding with sexual minorities” and “brainwashing impressionable children”. BGCA was slammed by the conservatives for offering support services to young people struggling with their sexuality. We were deeply shocked to see such kind of high-profile interference in social services provision. To support BGCA for keeping up their good work for the youth-in-question and their families, you are cordially invited to join our “Homo-friendly” action and spread it out to all others through our Facebook page.

The following are the 5 reasons that everyone of us should be homo-friendly:

1. We are born to be equal, regardless of our sexuality.
2. I support an inclusive society that is respectful of human diversity.
3. I wish to see members in LGBTQ (Lesbians/Gay/Bisexuals/Transgender/Queer) community to be liberated from all forms of social oppression.
4. Being homo-friendly is my conscious decision.
5. I wish our next generation will be free from discrimination of any kind, regardless of their sexuality.

We believe that ignorance is the root of all hatred and fear; however, we can cast them out with respect and love. Please join our hands all together to show support to BGCA by following our Facebook page, or signing our petition through the link.

“Uphold Social Work Values, Support LGBTQ Services” Action Group