


在網上找U2的Live版Sunday Bloody Sunday,找來找去也找不找,結果找到SM 混音(潘志雄、維怡及Terry)伙炭開幕派的現場錄音版本

Sunday Bloody Sunday

Yes...I can't believe the news today
Oh, I can't close my eyes
And make it go away
How long...How long must we sing this song
How long, how long...
'cause tonight...
we can be as one

Broken bottles under children's feet
Bodies strewn across the dead end street
But I won't heed the battle call
It puts my back up
Puts my back up against the wall

Sunday, Bloody Sunday
Sunday, Bloody Sunday
Sunday, Bloody Sunday

And the battle's just begun
There's many lost
But tell me who has won
The trench is dug within our hearts
And mothers, children, brothers, sisters torn apart

Sunday, Bloody Sunday
Sunday, Bloody Sunday

How long...How long must we sing this song
How long, how long...
'cause tonight...
We can be as one

Sunday, Bloody Sunday
Sunday, Bloody Sunday
Wipe the tears from your eyes
Wipe your tears away
oh, wipe your tears away
oh, wipe your tears away (Sunday, Bloody Sunday)
Oh, wipe your blood shot eyes (Sunday, Bloody Sunday)

Sunday, Bloody Sunday (Sunday, Bloody Sunday)
Sunday, Bloody Sunday (Sunday, Bloody Sunday)

And it's true we are immune
When fact is fiction and TV reality
And today the millions cry
We eat and drink while tomorrow they die
(Sunday, Bloody Sunday)
The real battle just begun
To claim the victory Jesus won
Sunday Bloody Sunday
Sunday Bloody Sunday...


「在俘虜營裏,有些人接到家人失蹤的訊息,有些人沒有接到家人的回信,相信事情發生了。生還後才知道,失蹤是『被帶走』,沒有接到回信是『被毀滅』。確認親人的『不在』後,一時之間,確實難以忍受,但倖存者必須活下去。不久,生者就填埋了死者所佔的場所。喪禮過後,日常照常開始。死者不在本身又入存在中,『在那裏』的低吟充滿各地。總之,破碎的世界、喪失親人此一中心的世界依然存在。意義縱使從世界剝落,逐漸漂白,世界還是『在那裏』。即使親人死了,世界也沒有穿洞。世界的空洞帶進無數的死者,但這個空洞不久又被存在填埋。這樣說來,可怕的不是『空無』,不是『不在』喚起了無邊的恐懼,而是『在』(存在) 、『在那裏』,才變成無限恐懼的對象,甚至死亡也給吞沒了。暴力破壞了的世界、炮彈炸開的街道很快修復了。修復的街道隱蔽了無數亡者,讓穿洞的『不在』消失了,世界內『所有的淚水慢慢乾了』這才可怕」
