
Suffering contest

Suffering contest

When I was little and didn't want to finish my rice, my grandma told me I was ignorant in bliss and her life was really hard in mainland China during the Cultural Revolution.

When I was preparing for the now historical HKCEE and complained that the stuff was pointless and arbitrary and boring and utterly useless, teachers told me HKCEE was nothing, wait till you see HKAL.

When the tear bombs sliced through the sky two years ago, some said the police brutality was nothing compared to how police and military did it in other places and times.

And when students jumped some said they were just spoiled kids.

It's a suffering contest.
Only the top three get to stand on the podium and the rest simply don't exist.

As if a person's suffering will be less real or painful if there exists other, greater, sufferings. It might well be true that in the broader scope of things one's suffering are infinitely insignificant; but pains are just pains and problems are just problems, and like people love to point out about happiness, it's got very little to do with money or stuff or the broader scope of things. We wouldn't go to Tibet and tell people they know nothing about happiness because they don't have electricity or tap water or the latest iPhone (although I bet quite many do), so why should we invalidate a person's pain just because they aren't in mortal danger or absolute poverty or whatever?