上星期跟同事談到朱利安 · 楊格(Julian Young)寫的尼采傳記 Friedrich Nietzsche: A Philosophical Biography (Cambridge University Press,2010),同事特別提到討論 Beyond Good and Evil 的那章(Chapter 21),說有幾個地方不同意作者的詮釋。今天我重看了這一章,同事的觀點我不談了,只想討論一下楊格對羅爾斯的批評。
[T]he influential John Rawls thinks that Nietzsche believes in an elite of Socrates and Goethe types, of philosophers and artists, and has no independent concern for the well-being of 'the mediocre'. This, he suggests, is an immoral attitude which elevates a taste for aesthetic 'perfection' above the claims of 'justice'. For Nietzsche, he claims, Greek philosophy justified Greek slavery. (p.426)
這是說羅爾斯認為尼采是極端精英主義者,不關心他眼中的「庸眾」,視精英的精神生活比世間的正義更為重要 — 如果精英(例如古希臘的哲學家)需要奴隸才可以發展他們的精神世界,那就應該有奴隸供他們使用。
This suggests that Rawls's acquaintance with Nietzsche was relatively slight, that what he was after was a straw man rather than a genuine understanding of Nietzsche's philosophy. (p.615)
雖然楊格用了 "suggests" 這個委婉的字,但對羅爾斯的批評已沒有留多少餘地,就是說羅爾斯對尼采認識不足,因而有誤解,對尼采的指責都是攻擊稻草人。根據楊格,尼采不是極端精英主義者。如果楊格的尼采詮釋是對的,那麼,他對羅爾斯的批評是不是就明顯合理呢?不一定,因為他可能誤解了羅爾斯。
我第一次讀這章時,讀到這處,只是有「噢」這樣的反應,沒有深究。這次我好奇心起,便翻閱羅爾斯《正義論》(A Theory of Justice, revised edition)的原文,全書只有三處提到尼采,兩處在正文,一處在註腳;楊格批評的是以下這段:
The absolute weight that Nietzsche sometimes gives the lives of great men such as Socrates and Goethe is unusual. At places he says that mankind must continually strive to produce great individuals. We give value to our lives by working for the good of the highest specimens. (p.286)
羅爾斯寫得十分小心,他沒有明確地說尼采的看法是如此這般,而只是指出尼采有時("sometimes" 和 "At places")表達了這樣的觀點。尼采的著作裏有些語句表達了極端精英主義,不等於他是極端精英主義者,因為他的著作裏也可能有些語句是反極端精英主義的;要判斷尼采是否極端精英主義者,非深入研究他的著作不可,羅爾斯當然明白這點,也當然知道自己沒有做過那樣的研究,所以才用了 "sometimes" 和 "At places" 這種小心的寫法。楊格對羅爾斯的批評顯然是不公允的。
The extent to which such a view is perfectionist depends, then, upon the weight given to the claims of excellence and culture. If for example it is maintained that in themselves the achievements of the Greeks in philosophy, science, and art justified the ancient practice of slavery (assuming that this practice was necessary for these achievements), surely the conception is highly perfectionist. (p.286)
這是泛論,完全沒有提及尼采。楊格說 "For Nietzsche, [Rawls] claims, Greek philosophy justified Greek slavery",如果不是「明屈」羅爾斯,就是沒有細讀《正義論》便隨便批評;無論楊格犯的是哪一個錯,作為學者,那都是要不得的。