2005-11-10 (四)
話說昨天 Cynthia(the mission 的其中一位負責人)在晚上給我寄來了手機短訊,說今天在香港的美國大使館外會有示威,因為有一些在菲律賓的美軍輪姦了一名女子,並在事發後逃到美國大使館,而大使館則拒絕交出那批人,並說我如有興趣可參與其中。於是便有了下面的報道。
大隊人馬先是在匯豐總行大樓外集合。我約在上午十一時到達,那時大隊人馬(約四十人)已是整裝待發。大家都在衣服上貼上印在A4紙上的各式標語,內容有要求犯人受到懲罰、美國從菲律賓撤軍等。除了標語,大家還帶著寫上「JUNK VFA」(註1)的頭巾。在出發前,先有一位女士發言,說大家今天為什麼在這兒、我們的要求是甚麼等等。然之後我們便開始遊行到美國大使館。沿途我們大叫各式口號,如「US Imperialist, no.1 terrorist」、「Justice to the victims」、「Junk Junk VFA」、「No more abuses of children and women」等。約十多分鐘後,我們便到了美國大使館的一旁。接著一名神父(還是牧師﹖)、ASA(Asian Students Association)的代表、Cynthia、Eni(就是日前亞洲移居人士聯盟的反世貿記者會上的發言人)等人先後發言,表達了對受害人的同情,以及對美國政府及阿羅約政權的不滿。最後由一位仁兄(我聽不到他的身份是甚麼…)宣讀了一份聲明,標題為「Justice for the rape victim of Us military troops! Junk the Visiting Forces Agreement (VFA)! US troops out of the Philippines and of other countries now!」(全文詳載於後)。而大使館的職員,則在聲明剛開始宣讀時接信並離開。聲明宣讀完後,大家就各自散去了。
註1:VFA全名是「Visiting Forces Agreement」,是由菲律賓政府和美國政府在99年5月簽訂的有關軍事行動及合作的條約。全文可見於http://www.dfa.gov.ph/vfa/frame/frmvfa.htm。一些反對原因可見於http://www.philsol.nl/A99a/VFA-Nemenzo-1.htm。
Justice for the rape victim of US military troops!
Junk the Visiting Forces Agreement (VFA)!
US troops out of the Philippines and of other countries now!
We, the undersigned organizations in Hong Kong, condemn in the strongest possible term, the gang rape of a 22-year old Filipina by six US marines deployed under the Visiting Forces Agreement between the United States and the Philippines.
This atrocity demands justice to the victim and immediate prosecution and punishment of the criminals.
We are even more outraged by the reported special treatment being extended to the criminals who are being cuddled and protected by their superiors in the US Embassy.
Reports stated that the group of six US marines raped the Filipina inside a van and unceremoniously dumped her on the roadside. SBMA Chair Feliciano Salonga confirmed that the six US servicemen—Keith Silkwood, Daniel Smith, Albert Lara, Dominic Duplantis, Corey Barris, and Chad Capent—were “identified by the driver of the van.”
The six US Marines were reportedly in Subic for rest and recreation after the military exercises called Talon Vision and Amphibious Landing Exercise (PHIBLEX) 06 were concluded in the area last November 1. Approximately 5,000 US and Philippine troops participated in the said exercises.
We are one with Filipinos around the world calling for justice to the victim and more importantly, the immediate abrogation(結束) of the Visiting Forces Agreement and other interventionist policies of the US to the Philippines.
Countless US military atrocities have been committed against Filipinos during the time when the US still has military installations in the country and up to now with the VFA. These cases are still crying for justice. In the 80’s, Aetas (an indigenous people) near Subic have been subjected to senseless shootings and killings because they were mistaken to be wild boars.
In 1987, a US servicemen stationed in the US bases in Olongapo and accused in the rape of 12 year old (那女孩的名字不打出來了), was whisked out (快速偷運出) of the country to avoid being tried here. The girl later died from sepsis(敗血病,因某些細菌或毒素跑進血管,然後運行全身所致)as a result of a piece of broken vibrator that had lodged in her cervix (子宮頸). Over 82 cases of women (aged 16 years and above) and 15 cases of children victims of sexual abuses perpetrated by US soldiers were documented before the US Bases Agreement was terminated.
Meanwhile, under the VFA, the same list of abuses and human rights violations is starting to get longer. In July 2002, Buyongbuyong Isnijal was shot by Reggie Lane when US servicemen were patrolling the area of their military exercises in Lamitan, Basilan. On June 21,2004, a civilian, Arsid Baharon, was shot by an American soldier conducting military exercises in Barangay San Roque, Zamboanga City. In Manarapan, Carmen, North Cotabato in mid-2004, and elderly woman, fearing that a military operation was underway, died of a heart attack in the panic that followed the arrival of US reconnaissance troops in two helicopters and trucks. Until now, no action has been made by either the US or Philippine government to investigate these incidents and indemnify the families of the victims.
Blood is also in the hands of the government of Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo. No decisive action has been done by the government to ensure that justice is served to the victims. More importantly, it continues to allow the US government and its military not only to rape Filipino women, but also to rape Philippine sovereignty. GMA herself continues to be one of the most loyal supporters of US President George Bush’s war on terror at the expense of the lives of Filipinos in the Philippines and aboard.
The abuse must stop. The United States should stop spreading its war machinery that it uses to maintain its domination of the world. It must pull all its troops out of the Philippines and in other countries. The Arroyo government should stop its bootlicking of US interests and policies.
Justice must be given to the rape victim. Justice must be served to the Filipino people. Justice must be served to all victims of US military atrocities. We demand no less.
10 November 2005, Hong Kong SAR