
為何要保護港區內的亞洲水牛?Why Protecting the Asian Water Buffalo in Hong Kong?

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在香港常見的水牛,其實稱為亞洲水牛,學名Babulis Babulus。全世界的亞洲水牛有兩種類型: - 河川類型和沼澤類型。根據大嶼山愛護水牛協會於2004年與香港大學合作,就貝澳濕地生態與水牛行為研究(研究於2005年完成)的結果報告,在大嶼山貝澳常見到的水牛是屬於沼澤類型,原產於東南亞和中國南方(Cockrill 1976; FAO 2000;Zhang 2000)。
The official name of Asian Water Buffalo in Hong Kong is ‘Babulis Babulus’. There are two types of water buffaloes in the world – the River buffalo and the Swamp Buffalo.The Water Buffaloes in Pui O,Lantau are of the Swamp type, which is indigenous to Southeast Asia and Southern China (Cockrill 1976; FAO 2000;Zhang 2000), according to a research project operated by Hong Kong University and Lantau Buffalo Association in 2005.

The Water Buffalo in Pui O is nicknamed 'Wet Land Angel’ these day. This is the largest mammal in Hong Kong, & is one of the most fabulous wetland species.

Our eco-environment has been increasingly and violently polluted by human activity & the Water Buffalo has contributed to the recovery of this habitat to it’s bio-active condition. The buffalo habitat has a greater range of bio-diversity than any other human living wetland area in Hong Kong, thanks to the contribution of the buffalo.

According to figures released in early 09 by the Agriculture, Fishery Conservation Department, there are under 200 water buffalo in all of Hong Kong’s wetland areas. This includes the 49 identified by Lantau Buffalo Association on Lantau. Although the figure has slightly recovered (67 found in 2010) after much effort and hard work put into the conservation of this species. They are in very much endangered stage as there is no longer any wetland area remaining in Hong Kong that allows the buffalo to live in it’s natural state.

在協會未成立之前,一個公眾電話投訴,就可以在我們官僚的政府架構下,不聞不問,不根據投訴情況作出任何調查,一整群的水牛(一畜群數字約3至29之間)一天之內就可以從牠們的原居地,真接送往的堆填區去。所以現存在境內的濕地和亞洲水牛,如果我們不作出及時的保救和保護,它們是可在短時間內全部消失。所以現時協會 和義工村民每天其中一重要工作,就是監察著島上的牛群和數字和牠的福利情況。 Before the Lantau Buffalo Association was established, the buffalo faced constant threats from either traffic accidents, hunting, intentional animal cruelty or mistreatment. Discrimination was ever once the biggest threats to this animal specie, as only one telephone from public complain, without any investigation, a whole herd of water buffalo (a herd size normally is from between 3 to 27 water buffalo) can be put down and relocated to the landfill by our Government within one day. The LBA now monitor the herd numbers and as much as possible, protect the animals form these threats.

Unlike other countries, the HK buffalo have no official status & lack legal protection against hunting & all manner of abuse or cruelty. So come to Pui O, the only place in Hong Kong that you can experience this amazing friendly giant and their beautiful habitat before they disappear.

Authored and photo by: Ho Loy

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: http://www.facebook.com/#!/group.php?gid=5472304711&v=info