

運動, 抽脂, 節食, 減肥藥以外, 又有新的減肥招數: 洗腦!

假若你很喜歡甜食, 心理學家可以透過引導性的問題, 使你回憶起兒時換牙的經驗, 對牙醫的恐懼, 並把這些恐懼與甜食連在一起, 以致日後你看到甜的東西就會感到厭惡...

這不是天方夜譚, 心理學家正朝這個方向發展, 他們已成功使人對士多啤利雪糕和雞蛋感到厭惡, 至於朱古力, 薯條等的難度則比較高...

Swallowing a Lie May Aid in Weight Loss, Research Suggests

# A team found it could make people believe that some foods sickened them as children.

 In their battle against the bulge, desperate dieters have tried drugs, surgery, exercise, counseling, creams and even electrical fat-burning belts.

Now some psychologists have a new idea: subtle brainwashing.

 A team led by psychologist Elizabeth F. Loftus of UC Irvine found that it could persuade people to avoid fattening foods by implanting unpleasant childhood memories about them — even though the memories were untrue.

In a paper published today in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the team said it successfully turned people off strawberry ice cream and, in earlier studies, it had done the same with pickles and hard-boiled eggs — in each case by manipulating the subjects to believe that the foods made them sick when they were children.

The scientists say they have also successfully implanted positive opinions about asparagus by convincing subjects that they once loved the vegetable.

The method, if perfected, could induce people to eat less of what they shouldn't and more of what they should, Loftus said. Good memories about fruits and vegetables could be implanted, as well as bad ones about low-nutrient, high-calorie foods.