前天7月22日倫敦警察於地鐵射殺一名 "涉嫌" 恐怖份子. 昨天, 警察報告說, 該名巴西籍男子, 與7月21日的恐怖襲擊並沒有關係.
當我們看到目擊者的報告, 警察很明顯是濫用生殺權:
Mark Whitby, who was sitting just five metres from the incident, told BBC News: "I saw an Asian [of South Asian origin] guy run onto the train hotly pursued by three plain-clothes police officers. One of them was carrying a black handgun - it looked like an automatic - they pushed him to the floor, bundled on top of him and unloaded five shots into him. He was wearing a large coat, unusual for the time of year."
“As the man got on the train I looked at his face. He looked from left to right, but he basically looked like a cornered rabbit, like a cornered fox. He looked absolutely petrified. He sort of tripped but they were hotly pursuing him and couldn't have been more than two or three feet behind him at this time. He half-tripped, was half-pushed to the floor. The policeman nearest to me had the black automatic pistol in his left hand, he held it down to the guy and unloaded five shots into him. I didn’t see any guns or anything like that; I didn’t see him carrying anything. I didn’t even see a bag to be quite honest."
根據Wikinews的報導, 倫敦政府向警方發出新指引, 給予警察權力向懷疑恐怖份子的腦袋開槍.
可是, 在白人警察眼中, 有色人種永遠顯得可欵, 當天這個巴西人之所以可欵, 是因為大熱天時穿著一件比較厚的外套, 而在追逐的過程中, 其外衣已被扯脫, 緊身t-shirt下, 根本沒可能放炸彈!
若說倫敦最近受到恐怖襲擊, 小數族裔一直都活在恐怖之中... 他們面對著白人的文化暴力與排擠, 再把暴力轉移到小數族裔之間的鬥爭.
Open democracy裡有一篇人類學研究談文化壓抑所產生的暴力心理 Leeds footsoliders and London Bombs, 嘗試進入小數族裔日常生活中所面對和滋生的暴力, 以更深入理解一連串恐怖襲擊的社會心理. 畢竟這場恐怖襲擊是源是英國社會的內部(襲擊者都不是來自國外的).
而倫敦警察這些濫殺行為, 只會增加暴力的社會心理.