

Yahoo 出賣資料、MSN 刪除博客,然後是 Google 答應過濾敏感字,在內地當個網民似乎越來越不容易。不過你有張良計,我有過牆梯,在網民總會有辦法。ESWN 以袁偉時一篇有關《冰點》的文章作例子,看看內地網民可以怎做:

Solving A Real-Life Problem With Search Engines


I am going to run through an exercise about a real-life problem (as opposed to "toy" problems with general terms such as "freedom" or "democracy").  I suggest that if you really want to find out about freedom or democracy, the Internet is not a good place.  You will get bits and pieces of contradictory information and you will have a hard time sorting it out or systematizing it.  So instead you should go to a bookstore and there are any number of decent books that present the issues in a systematic way.

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