剛看到東南西北有關超女與民主的詳細譯評, 藉得大家細看, 超女的討論, 是很好討論民粹主義的文本, 很多人會把民粹主義想像成洪水猛獸, 但骨子裡是為政權辯護. 民粹主義的確需要批評, 但並不是否定, 就如龍應台較早前評論台灣選舉結果一樣, 人民是需要時間和過程來學會做主的.
Why hold an election? It could not just
be for emotional catharsis, as much of the above celebration over Super Girl was
about. You do not hold an election just to feel good. There
has to be a higher purpose.
What was the purpose of Super Girl? It
was to let the voters chose their favorites among a short list of competitors,
on the basis of singing, dancing, appearance, personality or whatever. There
are no real consequences afterwards. Li
Yuchun, the girl with the weakest voice among the final five, won this singing
competition. So what? No big deal.
Now what about the election of a future
president of China? It could not just be for emotional catharsis.
It will be to elect the leader for the next four years. Hopefully, it
will be the person whose priorities are acceptable to the people and who has
the qualifications to implement the campaign promises. There can be
plenty of consequences, though. And it will be big deal.
Who wins presidential elections? You
may hope that this is the person whose priorities are acceptable to the people
and who can implement campaign promises. But that is the wrong
answer. Presidential elections are won by people who are good at winning
presidential elections. This is tautologically true and not subject to
安替的 写给许纪霖教授的公开信——既然您不敢反专制,那就请别逻辑混乱地反超女
恩, 許教授讓我們警惕民粹民主,因為它“正是威權意志的最好掩護”。不過我怎麼覺得許在講一個笑話?威權意志還他媽需要掩護?它不正在現在好好地存在當下嗎?
我們喜歡超女,就是因為她給了中國人民一個機會,知道了威權意志的可惡和自由選擇的可愛,這種我們很少能獲得的反對威權意志的機會,怎麼在許教授的眼中, 就成了威權意志最好的掩護?這不是黑白顛倒嗎?難道反對威權意志的最好方式就是像許教授一樣,對專制不說一個字的不,然後代表最先進的文化,坐在學院裏面