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Why discovered the great discrepancies long time ago, but still wasted few years time. Also this is oneself own 大忌(discrepancies) which made oneself change friends again and again as what oneself was claimed in 09. I completely don't understand, unless there is something behind the story........


Unlike · · Share · 16 hours ago ·

You and Jason Lau like this.

Roger Chow completely don't make sense ........

16 hours ago · Unlike · 1

Roger Chow unless faked friend........


Something very strange, this person said in mid 08 that there were large

discrepancies with the friend. But after one year later in mid 09, this person said that ((already found)) the one who is most suitable. And this person also said in 09 that must find a person who is very suitable ( that's mean no great discrepancies between them ) in many aspects although it is very difficult, but despite of that this person has been trying very hard. So, is it very strange that this person said ((found already )) ???????? Unless what this person said in 09 was actually meaning........


Like · · Share · Sunday at 11:43am ·

Suzanne Shau likes this.

Roger Chow because in 08 and 09 as what I understand is the same friend........

Sunday at 11:45am · Like

Suzanne Shau seasons change! people change!!

Sunday at 12:03pm · Like

Roger Chow In 09 this person had no changed of the requirements as compared with 08 as this person insisted that there should be no discrepancies between them as stated in 09's blog. And I also don't think that this person's friend had changed from 08 to 09 . Otherwise they wouldn't be ((ex-friend)) now.

Sunday at 2:08pm · Like