


Amy in a crazy world中看到有關南方航空04年業積的完全相反報導.

SCMP說賺了9,400萬, Bloomberg則說賠了4,800萬.


'The PR person in the China Southern Airline might be happy to see the story on the largest local English newspaper. They may careful cut the story down from the paper and post it on their own records, with some note such as "Our great PR job".

The reporter in the newspaper said that the mistake is caused by his inexperience in reading simplified Chinese, which is in different form from the popular traditional Chinese in Hong Kong, though I would like to call it an "unavoidable" mistake in the newspapers.' --節錄完

事件又使我想起個多月前, 電視台和報章舖天蓋地地報導香港會引進大陸公司來香港供電, 結果該公司在一兩天間賺了幾億. 該公司只是約了煲呔談話, 然後透過PR公司向媒體說公司的"主觀"意願, 結果老吹地賺了幾億! 其實,只要有一點新聞觸覺都知道, 大陸比香港缺電, 現在香港從大亞灣買的電是轉賣給深圳的. 要在香港供電, 基礎供電網的投資不單龐大, 而且長途輸電中間流失的電力難以估計, 香港政府又絕對不會再批地建本地發電廠等...

當天除了那公司賺了一大筆外, 媒體裡又究竟有多少人早人家一步地買了該公司的股票? 問題不單是主流傳媒低能白痴!