1. 一元,唯我獨尊,只有我才是真理,不對的人會被自己行天道懲罰(中大學生報、明報....等等);
2. 無自我檢討能力,人人有錯,只有自己無錯,中共是世界最先進的共產黨,明光社是香港最好的基督徒;
3. 喜歡自吹自擋,明光社花35萬以上賣廣告讚美自己,和中共天天在黨報大談中共黨員的先進性如出一徹!
4. 重視文宣,每句說話都經精心計算,視乎對象及聽衆;但經不起常理推敲,幾乎每一個字詞的意思都被歪曲,如真理變成了聖經中的真理、溝通變成了用投訴溝通、收入變成了某部份的收入、不歧視變成了歧視不歧視的人、天生變成了可隨意改變的、公衆利益變成了(基督教明光社)的利益、人權變成了歧視人的權利、自由變成濫用自由、侵犯版權變成了偽;
5. 不理他人死活(包括同道中人),只計算自己的目的,目的比手段更重要,中共在建黨初期已有左派知識份子投訴中共虐打自己同路,7/25籌款明光社不是送自己人上陣做炮灰?
1. Both see themselves as the savior of the world, has the ultimate truth, aim to to save the world.(Maybe later less idealism for Chinese communist,more idealism for STL)
2. Both has no capacity for self-correction, or an ability to see itself from a different perspective. Chinese communist party has never admit it made any mistake in the past officially, and STL praise itself in its own advertisement. Our party/group can NEVER be wrong.
3. Both are hypocritical, demanding higher ethics and moral standard for the outside; while has little regard to apply the same standard to themselves. The corruption in mainland China doesn't require any clarification here, and STL has use lies, half-truths and outright deception; which is against the ten commandment of Bible.
4. Both love violence and war. Needless to say all war-like slogan in China: 'Fight, engage, victory, conquer'; little notice is STL has terms like 'Moral warfare','Onward, Christian solider','conquer','Fighting' ; they both even share the same song(with different wording).Violence by Chinese communist doesn't require my recall here, STL wage countless 'moral warfare' like signatory campaign, advertisement. The mindset is to win or loss each battle, but no comprise.
5. Both has invested so much in its own philosophies that they literally living inside their own world. Common sense doesn't apply to them, each share an understanding that outsider found ridiculous or stupid. For instance, Chinese communist still see all politics as a process of struggle; and STL see itself as a solider in a war of its own imagination, see 'the right of discrimination' as part of human right.