


1. 夠賣26日廣告, 5日罵同志,5日罵壹傳媒, 5日表揚淫審制度, 5日讚美自己, 3日罵CUSP, 3日罵CUSP支持者。

2. 成立良善網絡基金,推動網絡監視技術在香港的發展和普及化,保證社區零思想污染。專打擊獨行blogger散播不良、不雅、色情思想,斬草除根。

3. 在香港所有電台賣廣告,宣揚它的泛道德主義信息,並用抽廣告要脅各電台不播如「森美小儀」一類「低級趣味」節目。

4. 在全港便利店放置紙板,「今天你不要自慰」,印在安全套效果一樣。

5. 全部三級雜誌不用警告,用森森的大樣印在膠袋上,保證無人買。

6. 成立5個無神論轉化組織, 5個同志轉化組織,3個自由派轉化組織,3個性解放者轉化組織,1個反基要派轉化組織。

7. 成立一個「告到壹傳媒破產」基金,要徹底根治傳媒生態。

8. 建立處男處女資料庫,務求2010年50%男女結婚前無任何的性經驗,每年增加10%,再加一個道德性交姿勢協會。

9. 成立保護弱勢基金,保護是超級弱者的明光社、基要派、歧視同性戀者的自由、以及基督政治良心犯(主張香港主權回歸基督教道統者),他們經常被無所不在、無所不能、無處不在的反建制者對付。

10. 成立政治自由基金,抗拒道德自由派政客的威脅。
What do you of the best usage of the proposed fund raising at 7/25?

1. 26 days advertisement on newspaper attacking GLBT(5 days), attacking One Media Group(5days), praise the wisdom of censorship system(5 days), attacking CUSP again(5 days), 5 days of praising itself.

2. 'Better Internet Foundation', to promotion the massive adoption of censorship software so the local websites contain any indecent and obscene material will wither to die. Preventing bloggers/webmasters from sinning using legal communications(funded by taxpayer, of course).

3. Place advertisement on radio to promote its ideal o f 'zero thought pollution'
medium. Then use the threat of with drawling advertisement to aid radio programmer to promote the correct Biblical value in various talk show. 'Low class' shows would disappear forever.

4. Placed an advertisement in every convenient store with the head of STL urging: 'Don't you masturbate today'. More effective if placed in condom package. Certainly the immoral sex affair would dramatically declined. Who say we can't place advertisement promoting 'morality'?

5. Instead of placed at convenient store. We could also place it in the cover of all pornography : 'Sex without the intention of reproducing would brought you to hell.'
With the cozy relationship between STL and HKSARG, it is possible.

6. Found 5 'Atheist conversion Organization', 5 'Liberal Christian Conversion Organization', 5 'Liberal Conversion Organization', 3 'Advocate of Sexual Freedom Conversion Organization', 1 'Advocate of Liberal value Conversion Organization'... etc.

7. 'Cleaner Media Campaign', essentially a fund to sue One Media Group till it is going under.

8. Virgin Database contain personal details of virgins of males and females. Promote Virginity till marriage campaign. The goal is by 2010, 50% of married couple are virgin before wed. And release a daily 'virginity figure' as an index of morality.

9. Also found a foundation promoting 'Biblical endorsed sexual position', how does
the public know what sexual position is moral and ethical according to STL's interpretation of Bible? 'SumSum' must be an exemplar Missionary.

10. Political Freedom Foundation. Promoting the inalienable rights and freedoms of minorities of Christian Fundamentalists of gay-blasting, discrimination based on gender and religion, political freedom of Christian-right to be active in 'current affair', freedom of expression like the right to abuse censorship system. Protection against the overwhelming,all-powerful, all-seeing, all-present liberal political force.